50 by 50: Why am I still counting calories?

Hard to believe it, but week three of my 50 by 50 diet overhaul plan is already here! Thanks for continuing to join me on this journey!

Folks, this is honestly probably the longest I’ve stuck with a diet modification program.  Generally by now, I’m super tired of whatever method/diet/exercise plan I started.  What has made this a lot easier to stick with is knowing I’m changing things up each week to truly find what will work for me long-term.

Week 2 was a success (see results below) and I’m excited to venture into the next week with a new plan.  I’m truly invigorated!

After two weeks of carefully monitoring how many calories I take in and thinking about my food choices, I’m quickly learning that I sleep better and I naturally have more energy.

It’s no mystery, really, what we choose to fuel ourselves with and how we choose to fuel ourselves has a profound impact on our bodies.  It’s one thing to say this, though, and another to actually feel the results.  If you’ve been holding back on creating a healthier you, I hope you will start your journey now – you are worth it and there’s no better feeling than simply feeling good, vibrant and healthier!

50 by 50: Why am I still counting calories?

Results of counting calories during week two

If you just started following along, I adjusted my calorie count upward a little to see how it would impact my results. I’m targeting a 2-3 pound weight loss each week so that my body has ample time to adjust and sustain the weight loss. Ultimately, I seeking a life plan, not a temporary program that helps me rapidly lose weight but doesn’t help me keep it off for the long haul.

On weigh in day, the scale registered a 2.6 loss! Right in the target zone I wanted to be – getting enough fuel to sustain my lifestyle activities but still loosing a few pounds each week.

This week’s calorie count was 1800. I struggled a little bit as I covered a food and wine festival this week and it was my husband’s birthday week, so we took him out to eat at a favorite restaurant. Needless to say, I exceeded my 1800 both of those days!

What I did to help counter-balance them was to eat a lower calorie breakfast and lunch and skip snacking those days. I also mindfully thought about what I wanted to sample at the food and wine festival and shared many of the samples with my husband, rather than grabbing my own. If it was spectacular, we grabbed another sample to share. If I took a bite and thought “meh,” then I was glad I didn’t spend any of my calorie count on it!

This is how I’m starting to think overall – what’s worth eating? If I’m going to fuel my body and please my taste-buds, what’s truly worth enjoying?

What’s next?

I’m going to continue counting calories, keeping them between 1700- 1800 per day and I’m going completely gluten free!

I normally trend toward making gluten free choices as with Hashimoto’s I am gluten sensitive, but I stray too often and I think this is one of the contributors towards my occasional belly bloat and overall inflammation problems.  I have noticed when I’ve added bread choices into my current diet, there are some issues.

Eliminating gluten completely from my diet will also help prep me for some of the next dietary lifestyles I’ll be trying in the upcoming weeks like Paleo, KETO, Vegetarian and Vegan.

I’ll be using online resources, a few gluten free cookbooks I already have, and returning to some of my own tried-and-true gluten free recipe favorites like Gluten Free French Toast Souffle.

I’d love for you to join me! If you need to make a big change and take off a few pounds, let’s do this! Join me in any way you see fit, whether you want to follow along with what I’m trying each week or whether you just want some company along the way for your own personal weight loss journey, I’d love to connect and share.  Feel free to comment below or chat with me on any of Rural Mom’s social media channels!

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Tags: health, new, weight loss, wellness
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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