Quick Tips for Soothing Heartburn so You Can Fully Enjoy Your Summer Fun!

Thanks to my partnership with Mirum, I’m sharing tips to help you fully enjoy your summer celebrations! This post is sponsored by Mirum, but opinions expressed are my own.

Are you looking forward to summer as much as I am? Flip flops, water fun, sports, family barbecues, relaxing days with friends and fruity umbrella drinks…I could go on and on… there’s so much to look forward to!

The one thing I’m not looking forward to about summer, however, is the heartburn which often follows a little too much fun in the sun.

Those of us who are frequent heartburn sufferers know their triggers – for example, tomato sauce and hot spices aren’t necessarily my best options, but when I’m traveling, part of the fun is sampling local cuisine! The food is one of the most looked forward to parts of my vacation. And let’s not forget the cocktails! Vacation wouldn’t be the same without a fruity umbrella drink or two, but alcohol is a known trigger for heartburn.

Quick Tips for Soothing Heartburn so You Can Fully Enjoy Your Summer Fun!

While heartburn isn’t always preventable, there are a few things you can do to tip the scales in your favor.

Avoid trigger foods. Anything spicy – think buffalo wings, spicy barbecue ribs, and the peppers and onions you love on a hot dog. Other trigger foods include tomatoes, peppermint, citrus fruits, greasy foods, dairy, soda, alcohol, chocolate, and even coffee. Basically, most of the foods that we associate with summer, fairs, and outdoor cooking are on the “may cause heartburn” list.

Don’t over-indulge. Stick to one glass of wine and stop eating the potato salad before you need to unbutton your pants! It’s easy to overindulge when the food and the company are great, but over-indulgence is one of the biggest heartburn triggers there is.

Quick Tips for Soothing Heartburn so You Can Fully Enjoy Your Summer Fun!

Stop eating well before bedtime. Simply because of gravity, laying down while your stomach is still full makes it easier for stomach acid to come back up. Experts recommend that you don’t go to bed for at least an hour after eating. The longer, the better.

Stay in shape. There is a direct link between excess weight and acid reflux and/or frequent heartburn. Exercising regularly also speeds up your metabolism, and your body will digest foods faster.

Pay attention to your body. Different bodies have different triggers, too. If you’re eating something your body isn’t tolerant of, you’re likely to have a little heartburn, even if it’s not a known trigger food. This is especially true for those who have gluten or lactose sensitivity.

Quick Tips for Soothing Heartburn so You Can Fully Enjoy Your Summer Fun!

If you looked at that list and feel like you’re doomed to a life of plain and boring foods forever, don’t worry. You don’t have to follow a strictly bland diet to avoid heartburn and indigestion. You just need a little help from a product like Omeprazole Orally Disintegrating Tablets.  Adding Omeprazole ODT to your summer plans helps ensure that they’re filled with more fun in the sun and less heartburn.

Omeprazole Orally Disintegrating Tablets are a new innovation in Omeprazole.  It’s the only frequent heartburn medication available as an easy-to-take orally disintegrating tablet, with MELTech formula allowing the tablet to dissolve on your tongue easily.  If you are a person who has a problem taking pills, you’ll definitely appreciate how the tablet simply disintegrates on your tongue with or without water.

Quick Tips for Soothing Heartburn so You Can Fully Enjoy Your Summer Fun!

Just one tiny pill can give frequent heartburn sufferers (those who suffer from heartburn more than twice a week) relief. It’s fairly simple to use – you just take one Omeprazole Orally Disintegrating Tablet daily before breakfast for 2 weeks. The strawberry flavor of the new disintegrating tablet is light and refreshing.  The ability to optionally take them without water makes it ideal for the summer months when you are on-the-go or traveling.

Omeprazole ODT can provide long-lasting relief from heartburn, for up to 24 hours.  Due to its long-lasting protection, this tablet is an ideal choice for frequent heartburn sufferers.

The medication should only be used for 14 days, so you just continue to take it while you’re away. There is no weaning, no strange withdrawal symptoms or anything like that. You simply stop taking it when you finish the regimen. If you need it longer than two weeks, ask your doctor before you continue taking it.  Find a store near you the carries Omeprazole ODT HERE.

Quick Tips for Soothing Heartburn so You Can Fully Enjoy Your Summer Fun!

Treating heartburn rather than avoiding barbecues or vacation fun sounds like a great plan to me, especially when it’s so easy and convenient!

Does heartburn cause a problem for you in the summer?


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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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