How Much Do You Know About Your Grandparents?

If you are looking for an absolutely amazing gift for your grandparents, we’ve just discovered the GRANDMOTHER’S JOURNAL and GRANDFATHER’S JOURNAL.  Both are priceless gifts that give back so much, in so many ways for your grandparents and your family.  Bluestreak Books sent me these great books AND is providing a prize pack for one of my lucky readers… read on!

The memories I have with my grandparents are some of the very best memories of my life.  My grandmother’s are the ones who first nurtured my love of cooking and crafts, my grandfather had the best sense of humor and is responsible for my love of water and my ability to swim.  There are so many precious moments and life skills I treasure from time spent with my grandparents.

How Much Do You Know About Your Grandparents?
My grandmothers are my inspiration!

I wish I had more time with each of them, they disappeared from my life way too quickly.  What I wouldn’t give for another day!  I also wish I knew more about them.  I keep the stories they shared in my heart and have always shared what I know with my children to keep their memories alive, but there are so many missing pages of their lives that I would have loved to have known.

Now that I’m a grandmother, realizing how precious sharing our journey is, I’m delighted to discover an awesome tool like the GRANDMOTHER’S JOURNALto help gift my grandchild a living record of my story and my aspirations for her.  How I wish this is something I would have had to gift my grandmother’s when they were alive so that I could share a complete account of their lives with my grandchild, too.

Each page of the Grandmother’s Journal and the Grandfather’s Journal offers your grandparents the opportunity to record family traditions, lessons learned, important genealogy facts, memories, mementos, history and more.  There’s also space for dedicating wishes for their grandchild(ren,) family recipes, and thoughts on raising your grandchild’s parent (aka you!)

How Much Do You Know About Your Grandparents?

The thoughts and memories they will record in this book will be a wonderful time of reflection for your grandparent and an absolutely priceless gift for you and your child(ren.) This Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and Grandparent’s Day, or any special occasion, the GRANDMOTHER’S JOURNAL and GRANDFATHER’S JOURNAL are honestly, two of the best gifts you can give!


The perfect gift for your grandparents for Mother’s and Father’s Day, these beautiful keepsake memory books are designed to capture and preserve grandparents’ unique memories, from the days of their own childhood through the precious moments they spend with their grandchild.

Charming illustrations make these guided journals perfect gifts for today’s grandparents, wonderful keepsake books that they will want to share with each of their grandchildren. Beautifully designed and offering plenty of space for grandparents to tell their own life story, keep a living record of their experiences, and share their hopes and dreams for their grandchild, Grandmother’s Journal and Grandfather’s Journal are sure to be treasured gifts. Each page includes thoughtful prompts to inspire and encourage any grandparent to record their most memorable and meaningful experiences, plus a family tree and plenty of space for memorabilia and photographs.

For more information:

The GRANDMOTHER’S JOURNAL and GRANDFATHER’S JOURNAL are both available on Amazon: Grandmother’s Journal | Grandfather’s Journal and via other national booksellers.

How Much Do You Know About Your Grandparents?

Win Gifts from the Grandparents!

It’s a grandparent’s right to spoil their grandkids! Thanks to our partnership with Bluestreak Books, one (1) Rural Mom reader will receive a Grandparents Journal Prize Pack that includes:

  • Copies of Grandmother’s Journal and Grandfather’s Journal to fill in your family history
  • a $50 Visa gift card to use on a grand gift for your grand-child

Grandparents Journal Prize Pack

Giveaway open to US addresses only.
Prizing and samples provided by Bluestreak Books.

ENTER via the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What’s the first memory you will share with your grandchild?  OR What would you love to know about your grandparents?

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Tags: books, family, gift idea
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
Are You a Mom Who Wants To Go Back To School? Quick and Delicious Tropical Coconut Cupcakes


    • Elena
    • May 8, 2018

    I would ask my grandparents what helped them to stay positive in hard times

    • tat2gurlzrock
    • May 8, 2018

    I would love to know how my grandparents met and what dating was like!

    • shelly peterson
    • May 8, 2018

    I would love to know how my grandparents met and how they made their relationship last so long.

    • Jessica To
    • May 8, 2018

    I would love to ask my grandparents how it was to raise 12 children.

    • Tabitha
    • May 8, 2018

    I want to know everything about my grandparents!! My grandma is in her 80’s and we lost my grandpa in Nov of last year. They were together over 60 years and I want my grandma to write down everything she’s able to remember. I so want to win this.

  1. I would love to share drinking a root beer float with them.

    • mami2jcn
    • May 9, 2018

    My grandfathers both died before I was born. I’d like to know what they were like.

  2. Reply

    I would like to know what the country they are from was like back then, how did people live?

    • Lauren
    • May 10, 2018

    I would like to know what my grandparents’ lives were like as kids.

    • Emily Smith
    • May 11, 2018

    I would have asked my grandpa about his childhood.

    • Heather S.
    • May 14, 2018

    I’d love to know about my grandma’s childhood and where her parents were from.

    • Kristen
    • May 14, 2018

    I’d like to know what it was like when my grandparents first met….what they wanted and what they saw in each other that brought them together.

    • Kelly D
    • May 14, 2018

    I would love to know about the childhood of my grandfather and about his upbringing.

    • busyworkingmama
    • May 16, 2018

    I’d love to know what my grandmother’s happiest memories were when she was a child.

    • Susan Christy
    • May 19, 2018

    I feel like I know a lot about my grandparents adult lives, but not much about their childhoods.

    • amy h
    • May 21, 2018

    I would love to know about their childhoods and how they met.

    • Dawn Monroe
    • May 23, 2018

    I missed out on grandparents and knowing my parents as adults. So many questions its frustrating but I would ask how my grandparents meet.

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