I Kill Giants (Giveaway!)

There are very few times when I see a trailer for a film and think “I absolutely have to go see that!” Honestly, there are many films I want to see, think will be awesome to see, but not as many that I feel like so compelled to see as I KILL GIANTS (in select theaters and On Demand now.)  Thanks to my partnership with RLJ Entertainment, I have some insights on I KILL GIANTS to share with you along with a wonderful giveaway… read on!

I Kill Giants (Giveaway!)

Immediately, the trailer for I KILL GIANTS drew me in.  It’s really no wonder as to why when I learned the film is from the producer of Harry Potter.  Check it out and you’ll see what I mean:

Doesn’t that just speak to you?  As a child, I always felt a bit out of place so I immediately identified with Barbara Thorson (Madison Wolfe.)  Though I didn’t have to contend with fighting giants I fought other common battles with bullies and the “popular crowd” who were never quite sure what to make of the rebellious tomboy bookworm that I was.

These early experiences built a foundation for the strong woman I was to become.  One who eventually found the strength within to stand up for myself and be comfortable being exactly who I was meant to be.

With powerful female characters with an almost entirely female cast, I KILL GIANTS, is exactly the type of film that would have resonated with the my younger self and still greatly appeals to the more mature, wiser version I’ve become.  This is a film I’d love to have my sons view with me as I think it’s super important to have them see strong women characters in action on the big screen (and off!)

I haven’t read the novel the story is based on yet, but intend to do that, as well!  I wish this film would have gotten more press and I’m happy to be a part of the movement to share it.  Be sure to pass the word along that there’s a wonderful new film out there focused on dealing with bullying, standing up for yourself, finding strength within yourself, and imagination vs. reality!

I Kill Giants (Giveaway!)


From the acclaimed graphic novel comes an epic adventure about a world beyond imagination. Teen Barbara Thorson (Madison Wolfe, The Conjuring 2) is the only thing that stands between terrible giants and the destruction of her small town. But as she boldly confronts her fears in increasingly dangerous ways, her new school counselor (Zoe Saldana, Guardians of the Galaxy) leads her to question everything she’s always believed to be true. I Kill Giants is an intense, touching story about trust, courage and love from the producers that brought you Harry Potter.

Based on the acclaimed graphic novel by Joe Kelly and Ken Niimura

From the producer of Harry Potter, Chris Columbus. Academy award-winning director, Anders Walter.

I Kill Giants is in select theaters and On Demand, find it on iTunes.

Win an I KILL GIANTS Prize Pack!

Thanks to our friends at RLJ Entertainment One (1) Rural Mom reader will win an I KILL GIANTS Prize Pack that includes:

  • $50 Visa gift card for an I KILL GIANTS Movie Night!
  • Copy of the book (movie tie-in cover)

I Kill Giants (Giveaway!)

US mailing addresses only
Prizing courtesy of RLJ Entertainment

ENTER via the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Does this film inspire you?  Who will you invite to your I KILL GIANTS movie night if you win? 

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Tags: movies, Teen
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
Quick and Easy Ideas for Creating Memorable Graduation Invitations Get your kids to eat more veggies? Yes, with a school grant from Action for Healthy Kids!


    • shelly peterson
    • March 28, 2018

    This is an inspiring movie. I would invite my friends, sister and nieces over for a movie night

    • Adrienne Gordon
    • March 28, 2018

    I’ll go with my daughter, it does look inspirational.

  1. Reply

    It does seem inspiring. I would invite my sister and a few friends for a movie night.

    • Elena
    • March 28, 2018

    It does look inspiring. I will take my son to see this movie

    • Linda Kinsman
    • March 28, 2018

    We need more movies with strong female leaders! I will happily share this post to spread the word. If I won, I would take my daughters to see this film. Thanks for the chance.

    • Kyl Neusch
    • March 28, 2018

    I will take my friends

    • Jennifer W
    • March 28, 2018

    It does look inspiring! My kids are a little young to watch this right now, so I’d take my husband!

    • Rosanne
    • March 28, 2018

    I would invite my 12 year old granddaughter who has been teased because she is dark skinned and she lives in southern Arizona!

    • jalapenomamamn
    • March 28, 2018

    I would enjoy taking the grand kids to see this movie.
    Yes it inspires me with all of the courage that is portrayed.
    thank you
    Barbara Montag

    • Sandy Klocinski
    • March 28, 2018

    In the end, I can’t help seeing myself in this story. It became my story, and that is the true magic behind this wonderful little movie. I would invite my sister to my movie night.

    • Ann Fantom
    • March 28, 2018

    If I won, I would take my daughter to see I Kill Giants

    • Janet Woodling
    • March 28, 2018

    I would take my daughter.

    • SaraAB87
    • March 28, 2018

    I would take my cousins to see I Kill Giants.

    • Robert Kuperberg
    • March 28, 2018

    Very inspiring. I would take my 9 year old niece

    • Jessica To
    • March 28, 2018

    It does sound inspirational and I would take my son to see it.

    • willgriesmer
    • March 28, 2018

    I would take my family.

    • Kelly D
    • March 28, 2018

    Yes, this movie is an inspiration to confront any fears. I would take my daughter to see this.

    • Natalie
    • March 28, 2018

    This film looks very inspirational! I would love to see this movie with my niece and brother.

    • Ellie Wright
    • March 28, 2018

    It looks very inspirational. I would take my granddaughter to see this.

    • Grace Hodgin
    • March 28, 2018

    This movie speaks to me and I would invite my husband because he fought giants in the form of bullies when he was growing up and I think we would both love the film.

    • Margaret Smith
    • March 28, 2018

    I would see this with my youngest son

    • Calvin
    • March 28, 2018

    This is very uplifting. I would enjoy it with my mom

    • Diane Therkildsen
    • March 28, 2018

    It does seem inspiring. I would invite my friend

    • Arlene
    • March 28, 2018

    my little boyfriend

    • Kelly Hanley
    • March 28, 2018

    Yes it inspires me and I would take my nephew!

    • Julie Bickham
    • March 28, 2018

    I would bring my daughter to go see this. I know it will inspire her.

  2. Reply

    it does looks inspiring movie..i would take my dsughter to see this movie

    • Rachel
    • March 28, 2018

    This film does seem inspiring. I would take my niece to see this with me.

    • paige chandler
    • March 28, 2018

    I will take my mom to this movie. She inspires me every day

    • bethelderton
    • March 28, 2018

    I love strong girl movies and would take my grand-daughters to see this. Is it fair to say that the actress playing in this movie looks very much like my oldest grand-daughter <3

    • Stephanie Gossett
    • March 28, 2018

    I would take all of my little girls! Thank you for the review and the chance. Good Luck, Everyone!

    • harolde
    • March 28, 2018

    I would bring my granddaughter. She would love it.

    • Donna L
    • March 28, 2018

    I would like to see this movie with my daughter.

    • Anne Higgins
    • March 28, 2018

    my grandkids will go with me to the movie

    • Annette
    • March 28, 2018

    I’d invite my best friend for movie night.

    • Amber
    • March 29, 2018

    This film totally inspires me. It sounds like an inspiring and moving story. I plan to go with my extended family to make it a great group outing!

    • Kristen Benson
    • March 29, 2018

    My bff

    • Cheryl
    • March 29, 2018

    I’m going to invite my sweetheart if I win. The movie sounds very inspiring.

    • Cynthia Conley
    • March 29, 2018

    Yes, the film looks inspiring. I would like to see it with my nieces and nephew.

    • Kimberly G
    • March 29, 2018

    I’ll go with my friends

    • Sheila K.
    • March 29, 2018

    I would like to see the movie with my sister and my niece!

    • Melissa
    • March 29, 2018

    yes it inspires me a lot. i would bring my sister!

    • mami2jcn
    • March 29, 2018

    It IS inspirational! Courage is a great attribute. I would take my daughter to see it.

    • Ken Christensen
    • March 29, 2018

    Yes it inspires me, great movie for my daughters too. We would see this movie as a family

    • David Basile
    • March 29, 2018

    yes and my wife and my niece

    • Antoinette M
    • March 29, 2018

    I would love to watch with my daughter. This seems like a wonderful movie.

    • nickie
    • March 29, 2018

    I would take my niece

    • busyworkingmama
    • March 29, 2018

    This looks like a movie I would like to see with my daughter.

    • beth shepherd
    • March 29, 2018

    This movie looks great and I would love to watch with my girls. Thank you

    • HS
    • March 29, 2018

    I would take my kids to see it. It is inspirational.

    • Elizabeth
    • March 29, 2018

    It does sound inspiring…I’d take my mom and nieces!

    • Donna Clifford
    • March 29, 2018

    The film looks inspiring. i would take my daughter and her friends.

    • heather s
    • March 29, 2018

    My nephew would love it. It looks fun.

    • Meghan Malicoat
    • March 29, 2018

    I would take my daughter to see this movie with me if I won.

    • Linda G
    • March 29, 2018

    I would love to take my daughter to see this movie, sounds like a wonderful movie about womens strength.

    • gracefulcoffee
    • March 29, 2018

    I’d love to see it with my mom and grandma! 🙂


    • Ashley B.
    • March 29, 2018

    My sons would love this!

    • Lauren U
    • March 29, 2018

    I would take my son to the movie.

    • Jaque Richards
    • March 30, 2018

    My children, of course! My sister would love this too….it will a family movie night! 🙂 Thank you.

    • Ashley C
    • March 30, 2018

    This movie is so inspiring. I would love to invite my niece to see it!

    • Ģaĺena Penrod
    • March 30, 2018

    Looks fantastic! Invite my sister in law!

    • March 30, 2018

    I would take my son with me to see this movie.

    • heather Kaufman
    • March 30, 2018

    It looks very inspiring. I would take my kids with me.

    • Bryan Vice
    • March 30, 2018

    I would love to take my wife to see the movie really inspiring

    • jennifer57
    • March 30, 2018

    It looks like a good movie.

    • Cristal cast
    • March 30, 2018

    This movie looks like it has a strong protagonist which is inspiring. I’d take my niece she loves thes kinds of movies.

    • TheresaJenkins
    • March 31, 2018

    I would take my 2 oldest grandkids

    • slehan
    • March 31, 2018

    I’ll take my niece to see this.
    Thanks for the contest.
    slehan at juno dot com

    • Lauren
    • March 31, 2018

    I would invite my daughter and enjoy the girl power storyline.

    • Tina
    • March 31, 2018

    I would take my niece

    • Tina
    • March 31, 2018

    I would bring my niece

    • Shauntea Crutcher
    • March 31, 2018

    I would take my children with me to watch this movie.

    • Birdie Skolfield
    • March 31, 2018

    Any film that puts girls/women in a positive empowering roll inspires us Ill be taling teen daughters Steff & Kara with me to see this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Daniel M
    • March 31, 2018

    my niece wants to see it

    • Patricia Wojnar Crowley
    • March 31, 2018

    I’m excited to see this! I’d love to take my nieces!

    • Kathy D
    • March 31, 2018

    I would take my son

    • Breanne
    • March 31, 2018

    I would invite my niece.

    • Eileen Boyce
    • April 1, 2018

    I’d invite my hubby!

    • Noelle Carroll
    • April 1, 2018

    I would invite my nieces over, this movie looks really fun!

    • susitravl
    • April 1, 2018

    I don’t know much about this movie, just that my nieces and nephews want me to watch it with them.

    • Lana Simanovicki
    • April 1, 2018

    I would take my sister

    • Crystal F
    • April 1, 2018

    I would take my girls with me to see the movie Thank you!!

    • Kim Henrichs
    • April 1, 2018

    Strong girl movies always inspire me! I would take my friend Hillary and her daughter!

    • Lisa Voyce
    • April 1, 2018

    Yes it does, and I would watch with my daughter and my granddaughter.

    • Alexandra Y
    • April 1, 2018

    Yes and I would take my daughter.

    • Kristen
    • April 2, 2018

    I’ll invite two of my friend who I think will want to see it.

    • D Schmidt
    • April 2, 2018

    It does and I think my children would really enjoy this movie.

    • Angela Saver
    • April 2, 2018

    Yes this inspires me, and I would invite my kids and hubby to watch this with me. Thanks for the chance!

    • Betsy Barnes
    • April 2, 2018

    Yes, this movies sounds inspiring! I would take my mom and sister to see this movie.

    • Azeem Isaahaque
    • April 2, 2018

    I haven’t seen the movie as yet! But I plan on doing so

    • carol clark
    • April 2, 2018

    yes it does and id take my son

    • Wendy R.
    • April 2, 2018

    Sure my daughter would love this movie! It sounds very inspiring.

    • Shakeia Rieux
    • April 3, 2018

    Yes it does. I would take my friend to see this, we need a girls night out.

    • amylou61
    • April 3, 2018

    This looks exactly like the kind of movie I love. It inspires me, and I can’t wait to see it! I’d take my husband for a date night.

    • Laura B.
    • April 3, 2018

    I think my nieces would love this movie.

    • Michele Pineda
    • April 3, 2018

    I want to see this with my teenage daughter, and yes, it does look like it would inspire me and her!

    • Debbie P
    • April 3, 2018

    I will take my nieces.

    • Denise B.
    • April 3, 2018

    I really don’t know anything about this movie. We wait until movies come out on DVD and check them out of the library.

    • LaTanya (@sweetums82)
    • April 4, 2018

    I will invite my son

    • Lisa
    • April 4, 2018

    I would invite my boyfriend and a few friends.

    • cyndi br
    • April 4, 2018

    I will invite my niece

    • Amy
    • April 4, 2018

    This movie sounds inspiring. I’d invite my sister.

    • Emily
    • April 4, 2018

    I will invite my daughter.

    • Tracy Shafer
    • April 4, 2018

    I will take my husband with me!

    • Tina W
    • April 5, 2018

    I would take my niece. She does not have the greatest home life and I try to spend quality time with her whenever I can.

    • Terry
    • April 5, 2018

    This movie inspires me due to the storyline of “standing up for yourself” and would love to take my granddaughter.

    • susan smoaks
    • April 5, 2018

    this movie does inspire me. i would take my kids with me to see this film.

    • Tiffany Tisdale
    • April 5, 2018

    My boyfriend

    • Jeremy McLaughlin
    • April 5, 2018

    Yes this looks like an inspiring movie, would take my family to see this movie.

  3. Reply

    I will watch this with my kids.

    • Priscilla P.
    • April 5, 2018

    I would take my Granddaughters.

    • Danielle Day
    • April 6, 2018

    Yes. my whole family.

    • s. carter
    • April 6, 2018

    It looks like a great movie and I will take my friend Kim

    • Sara Floyd
    • April 6, 2018

    I will take my daughter

    • Emily R.
    • April 7, 2018

    I love films has have strong female characters . If I win, I will take my husband & kids to the film.

    • Helen
    • April 7, 2018

    This does look inspiring. I would take my little girl with me.

    • Danalee
    • April 7, 2018

    Yes, this movie inspires me, and I would take my kids. Thank you for the chance to win.

  4. Reply

    This movie does more than inspire me, I would love to take my daughter who is a big inspiration to me to see it.

    • Michelle C
    • April 7, 2018

    This movie looks inspirational and I woudl love to share it with my kids!

    • Joseph Gersch
    • April 7, 2018

    it looks inspiring. i would take my niece

    • starla b
    • April 7, 2018

    This seems like a fantastic storyline and very inspiring. I would love to win and I would take my nieces with me. #StrongerThanWeThink

    • Robin
    • April 7, 2018

    I plan on taking my daughter to the movie.

    • alas3lads (@alas3lads)
    • April 8, 2018

    Yes! I would love to see this with my daughter. The perfect thing for us to do when she is home from college for a visit with us.

    • Jill Rivera
    • April 8, 2018

    I would invite my better half, my husband to see this movie.

  5. Reply

    I would bring my husband

    • Leela
    • April 8, 2018

    I’d bring my family.

    • Sheila Hickmon
    • April 8, 2018

    Yes and I would invite my daughter for a movie night!

    • Mary Cloud
    • April 8, 2018

    I’d bring my husband and kids with me

    • jennyscheldberg
    • April 8, 2018

    I’d love to bring my older stepdaughter. She loves these kinds of stories.

    • snowlark2
    • April 8, 2018

    I would invite my sister.

    • Zoey
    • April 8, 2018

    Yes, I love to see movies with strong females in them. I would take my friends and her kids with me.

    • Carolyn Daley
    • April 9, 2018

    I like that the main character is brave and wants to protect those around her.

    • Janine
    • April 9, 2018

    I’d love to take my niece. It is inspiring that a teen can make a difference!

    • Sharon Rooney
    • April 9, 2018

    I would take my daughter.
    I think this is a great and inspiring movie.

    • Kerry P
    • April 9, 2018

    This movie is very inspiring. I would like to take my granddaughter to see it with me.

    • Kate V
    • April 9, 2018

    I would invite my daughter! Girls night.

    • chelleshill
    • April 9, 2018

    It looks to be an inspiring movie. I would watch it with my niece.

    • Stephanie L.
    • April 9, 2018

    Yes, it looks very inspiring. I’d love to take my oldest daughter to see it.

    • tat2gurlzrock
    • April 9, 2018

    This looks like a great movie. I want to see it with my best friend.

    • marlene a harris
    • April 9, 2018

    i would take my whole family to the movie

    • Dee hadley
    • April 9, 2018

    This looks like a great family movie. I would take my granddaughters. i think they would really like it.

    • Ed
    • April 9, 2018

    Most definitely! My beau!

    • dvice12
    • April 9, 2018

    It will be inspiring for my kids when they see it with me

    • Jennifer H.
    • April 9, 2018

    I would take my daughter to this!

    • John H.
    • April 9, 2018

    I would take my wife and my daughter.

    • Susan Smith
    • April 9, 2018

    I would take my daughter, it does look inspirational.

    • mizztara71
    • April 9, 2018

    I would love to take my nieces to see this.
    RC- Tara Woods

    • Ashley
    • April 9, 2018

    This film def inspires me. So many female lead parts. Taking my niece to see it, she will love this.

    • Julieh
    • April 9, 2018

    I can’t wait to watch it with my family. It looks like an inspiring movie.

    • Carol
    • April 9, 2018

    I will take my friends

    • Seyma Bennett Shabbir
    • April 10, 2018

    I would love to take my niece to see this!

    • sylvia
    • April 10, 2018

    Can’t say it inspires me, but that could change after watching it. I’d love to bring my son with me.

    • Leah Shumack
    • April 10, 2018

    I would love to take my daughter to this!

    • rosemary
    • April 10, 2018


    • Keri Justice
    • April 10, 2018

    I think the movie looks really good, and would love to watch it with my daughter who just turned 13, and my son who is about to turn 9 in less then 2 weeks. They both inspire be to do better and be better.

    • Peter G
    • April 10, 2018

    I would take my daughter and this should make her see that she can do something and not be afraid.

    • tracey byram
    • April 10, 2018

    My granddaughter would love this movie. She is brave and inspiring herself.

    • Deborah Wellenstein
    • April 10, 2018

    I will take all my grandchildren to this inspiring movie.

    • Sadie B.
    • April 10, 2018

    This looks like a very inspirational movie. I would take my daughter to see this movie.

    • kathy pease
    • April 10, 2018

    Yes this looks like a really great film and I would love to invite my granddaughter

    • clynsg
    • April 10, 2018

    I would take my daughter to see it with me.

    • Kayla Klontz
    • April 10, 2018

    Yez, it does, I would take both m son and daughter to see this.

    • Peggy Rydzewski
    • April 10, 2018

    My grand daughter and I share our love for movies and it is our thing to do together.

    • Buddy Garrett
    • April 10, 2018

    It sounds like a very inspiring movie. We would take our granddaughter to see it.

    • krystal wethington
    • April 10, 2018

    Yes it does. I would take my sister.

    • Monique Rizzo
    • April 10, 2018

    It looks interesting! I would take my daughter.

    • Michelle H.
    • April 10, 2018

    I would go with my daughters.

    • Joni Chadwell
    • April 10, 2018

    I like to see anything positive these days. I would probably go w/ my husband

  6. Reply

    I want to see this really bad. I’d love to see it with my son and fiance.

    • Elizabeth Brooks
    • April 10, 2018

    I haven’t seen it – but want to. Looks great

    • Lindsay A.
    • April 10, 2018

    This film looks wonderful & I love the themes it portrays! I would bring my nephew with me – I think he would really enjoy it. 🙂

    • snowsparks38
    • April 10, 2018

    Yes it sure does. I would love to invite my sister and her kids.

    • Bran C Sparks
    • April 10, 2018

    Yes it really does inspire me. I want to see his with my daughter.

    • Jerry Marquardt
    • April 10, 2018

    I Kill Giants inspires me, and I will take my brother out to see the movie if I am lucky enough to win the giveaway.

    • kelley wood
    • April 10, 2018

    Yes, I would like to see it as well with my daughter!!

    • Chris L
    • April 10, 2018

    I would watch it with my kids.

    • tridingermckee
    • April 10, 2018

    It does inspire me to recognize the beautiful, strong women in my life. I would take my daughter to watch this with me. She inspires me with her strength and her loving heart.

    • alice Minx
    • April 10, 2018

    This seems like such a positive movie. I’d love to see it

    • Vikki Billings
    • April 10, 2018

    I will take my 2 granddaughters to see this movie.

    • Juanita May
    • April 10, 2018

    I would love to see this with my husband and kids.

    • Andrea P.
    • April 10, 2018

    Totally inspired!!! I would use this movie night for my friend and family!

    • brittany doerfler
    • April 10, 2018

    yes this movie inspires me and I would take my daughter to seet it

    • Trisha Musgrave
    • April 10, 2018

    i think this film sends a great message, and is very inspiring! I would see it with my oldest daughter!

    • Paol Trenny
    • April 10, 2018

    I am taking my kids and their friends to see this movies.

    • amber
    • April 10, 2018

    love movies with strong female characters! I would go with my sister

    • Philip Lawrence
    • April 10, 2018

    It does inspire me but will probably inspire me more after I see it with my grandchild.

    • BRYAN E.
    • April 10, 2018

    I will take my daughters to see I Kill Giants; looks like a movie that seeks to empower young women !

    • Sand
    • April 10, 2018

    It seems very inspirational! I would take my sister to see it.

    • Shea Balentine
    • April 10, 2018

    I’d love to take my hubby and teen son to see it! Looks like it’d be great!

    • Betty Curran
    • April 10, 2018

    It does look inspiring. I would invite my children and grandchildren to see it with me.

    • Laurie Nykaza
    • April 10, 2018

    It looks like a great inspirational movie my daughter who had Cancer at would love to see it

    • AEKZ2
    • April 10, 2018

    Yes, I’m inspired! I would invite my daughter.

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