Instantly Identify any Plant or Tree with PlantSnap!

Buying a new home is a crazy-exciting time, but when the process is done and the joy bubble dissipates, you wind up with a to-do list ten miles long and a bazillion questions to go with it!  Thanks to my partnership with PlantSnap, I’m knocking one very important item off my checklist – the identification of plants and trees on our homestead.  This is a sponsored feature review, but as always thoughts, opinions and love of nature are that of Rural Mom.

Instantly Identify any Plant or Tree with PlantSnap! #hunting4plants



We recently purchased a new homestead and of course, that meant inheriting an entirely new landscapes and fields full of trees, shrubs, and flowers.  While I could identify some easily from prior ownership, I found plenty of species unfamiliar.

This was truly problematic as I had no idea how to maintain the landscaping in the front of our home or improve the the quality of plant life in our pastures and forest.  As a nature loving gal, you know that I simply have to ensure our property thrives and provides a safe haven for the local wildlife.

There are certainly books to read, experts to call, but discovering the solution was already cradled in my hands is crazy-cool! PlantSnap is more than just a new app, it’s a global effort to help anyone, anywhere, identify any plant or tree on planet Earth.

Instantly Identify any Plant or Tree with PlantSnap! #hunting4plants

With PlantSnap, I am able to walk around our landscaping, garden, forest and fields, snap a photo with my cell phone and let PlantSnap help me identify what species of plant or tree I’m looking at.  If you don’t have cell phone service in a particular spot (we all know rural landscapes have plenty of dead zones,) no worries!  You can still snap photos and simply upload them into the app later for identification.

Of course once you’ve identified the plant or tree, you are well on your way to researching how to best care for it. PlantSnap currently recognizes over 100,000 species of plants and trees (which covers most of the species you will encounter in North America and Europe.)  They currently have over 300,000 species in their database and are training the algorithm to recognize at least 50,000 new species per month, fully covering almost every known species on Earth by the end of 2017. PlantSnap update automatically each time a new batch of species is added with no additional fees.

Instantly Identify any Plant or Tree with PlantSnap! #hunting4plants

Users help PlantSnap become a better app, too, as every image added helps train the algorithm. PlantSnap is powered by deep learning and artificial intelligence, meaning that it actually learns and improves with every image, thereby, every image you take makes PlantSnap better and better.

I’m truly loving PlantSnap, definitely color me a happy user!  This is something I would have loved to have had before and know that I’ll be using over and over again at home and during my travels.  Countless times I have encountered a plant or tree along my path that I’d love to know more about and possibly plant at home.  Now I won’t be left wondering or struggle with complex research to figure out what the heck I viewed along the trail.

Instantly Identify any Plant or Tree with PlantSnap! #hunting4plants

If you want my honest opinion (and I’m guessing so, if you are reading this review,) PlantSnap is well worth every penny (currently $3.99) and will quickly become your favorite app.  Seriously!  It’s a bit addictive.  I’ve started PlantSnap-ing my herb garden, my neighborhood and local forest preserve, too.  Crazy-good-fun!

Download PlantSnap today and join in on the quest to identify every plant and tree on our lovely planet!

Instantly Identify any Plant or Tree with PlantSnap! #hunting4plants


How to have an Awesome PlantSnap Experience

The PlantSnap App is super easy to use.  You can either open the app and snap a close-up photo of the plant or tree you wish to identify OR you can snap a closeup photo of the plant or tree you wish to identify and upload it into the app later.

Instantly Identify any Plant or Tree with PlantSnap! #hunting4plants

PlantSnap loves good, clear photos of flowers, leaves or a small section of the plant.  If you experience problems with PlantSnap not recognizing a photo correctly, it’s most likely that you don’t have a good closeup photo.  You can try again from a different angle, distance, or find better lighting.

Instantly Identify any Plant or Tree with PlantSnap! #hunting4plants


Features of the app include the ability to see all the plants you’ve captured in the “My Feed” section and to view popular plants captured on the app in the “Trending” section.  You can also explore the app for any species.  Each listing includes a map of target zones where the plant or tree generally resides and a link to more information on

Instantly Identify any Plant or Tree with PlantSnap! #hunting4plants

What will you PlantSnap today? 

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Tags: gardening, plants, Recipes, rural lifestyle, travel, trees
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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  1. Reply

    I never knew such an app existed..but then again..there seems to be an app for everything! This looks like a cool app and I would have loved to have had this years ago, when trying to identify certain plants and flowers and how they would work in my yard.

      • Barb Webb
      • September 18, 2017

      So true, there does seem to be an app for everything now! So glad they came up with PlantSnap, it’s truly amazing.

    • Melanie
    • September 18, 2017

    This seems like an app that would be good to have while hiking. While hiking with kids, I am often nervous about the kids touching too many plants when I do not know what they are. I will have to get this one before our next trip.

      • Barb Webb
      • September 18, 2017

      Didn’t even think of that use, such a great helper to have, for sure, in identifying potential harmful plants, too.

    • Queens of Virtue
    • September 18, 2017

    Technology never ceases to amaze me! What a creatively innovate app! I can see how useful this will be for me when I start my garden. Thanks for sharing.

      • Barb Webb
      • September 18, 2017

      Truly is amazing the advancements we’ve made. Our garden harvest was over already this year, but I’m sure looking forward to testing it out next Spring and Summer!

    • censie
    • September 18, 2017

    My husband and I both have this app on our phones. Our kids love it and it has really come in handy on our weekend trips to the mountains. It is fun to hike around and find out about the plants around us. So fun!

    • Nancy L
    • September 18, 2017

    Plantsnap is the neatest app idea! I like to walk my 10 acre property and I come across strange plants quite often and always wonder what kind of plant they are. I definitely need this! I like that it can work without cell service, too.

    • anytots2017
    • September 18, 2017

    Wow. Interesting. I really needed this app. We also moved last year and pretty much killed all the plants coz 1st, we don’t know what it is and 2nd, how to take care of it. Thanks for sharing it. At least it will help me figure out the plants I see elsewhere that I’d want to put on our giant backyard as we start to landscape again from scratch.

    • Acupofassamtea
    • September 18, 2017

    Pleasure to know such an app exists. Surely beneficial for many of us . Lovely post.

    • Karissa @WithOurBest (@withourbest)
    • September 18, 2017

    I am getting this app! I literally wanted it a month ago and had to call the master gardeners in my area. How much easier it would have been to just use this app!

    • nadaliebardo
    • September 19, 2017

    How cool is this! I remembering joking with my friend that this should exist, and just like that it does. At the time they only had an app the identified animal calls. This is so helpful for the non-outdoorsy people who find themselves out and about.

    • Bites for Foodies
    • September 20, 2017

    I’m not much into plants or flora and fauna, but this is such an interesting and innovative app! They have apps for everything these days!!

    • toastycritic
    • September 22, 2017

    I have seen all kinds of recognition software but this has to be one of the coolest. I think it would be so fun to go out on a hike with my daughter and capture different places.

      • toastycritic
      • September 22, 2017

      And its so cool that they capture both the flora and the fauna as well.

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