Would You Take Your Wine on a Date?

Choosing a wine is a little like dating. Some wines are a great fit, some grow on you after a few glasses, and some are just…well, better left on the shelf. Side note – I’m so thankful for my wonderful husband because dating does NOT look easy in 2017!

Anyway, I have a few friends that do the online dating thing. I think the technology behind it is amazing. Since the programs suggest certain matches based on answers to personal questions, there’s a greater chance of compatibility. Assuming that both parties are truthful in answering the questions, it saves them from kissing a lot of frogs.

Would You Take Your Wine on a Date?

Now, consider a wine dating service. Answer questions based on your likes/dislikes, and you’re paired with a compatible wine. Sounds like a great idea, right?

Such a thing actually exists, and it’s called Bright Cellars. Each month, the intuitive technology suggests a new wine to try and enjoy based on your preferences. I had the opportunity to test out the service for free and after answering some fun questions, the system generated four matches that all looked like wonderful potential wine mates!

Would You Take Your Wine on a Date?

If you aren’t enthused about a match, you don’t have to take the suggestion. For example, if Bright Cellars suggests a Merlot but you prefer Pinots, you can sort that out before you order.

Here’s where the technology surpasses that of online dating; as you rate each wine, the choices get better. That would be a great feature for dating, wouldn’t it? You’d find your perfect mate in half the time. As you mark your favorites, Bright Cellars will notify you if there’s a sale. Unlike cheap dates, cheap wine can be a good thing!

Would You Take Your Wine on a Date?

You can also skip a month anytime you want. If you give up wine for Lent – crazy, I know – or if it’s simply just not in your budget that month, you can skip and resume the next. On the same token, you can order a little (or a lot) more than usual if you know you’ll have a lot of guests to share it with.

Speaking of guests, Bright Cellars has a referral program. For each friend that becomes a member, you’ll earn points that can be redeemed for free wine. I don’t know about you, but sharing free wine with my friends and family sounds like a great idea!  Right now, if you use my referral code http://brightcellars.com/BarbWebb you’ll receive $30 off your order!

Would You Take Your Wine on a Date?

You can share more than wine, too. On the site you’ll find nice gifts for wine lovers, like cheese boards, crystal glasses, and Wine Wednesday coasters. Who doesn’t love a nice bottle of wine and some crystal glasses?

Would You Take Your Wine on a Date?

I really like this fun service and I’m looking forward to my next wine match. In the meantime, I’m going to go enjoy a glass with my husband. Here’s to perfect matches!


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Tags: gift idea, wine
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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