Back-to-School This Year, Definitely a Kleenex Moment!

Will this fall be a Kleenex Moment for you? In partnership with Acorn Influence, I’m sharing my thoughts on back-to-school and a fabulous deal on Kleenex at Sam’s Club to help save you money for your Kleenex Moments… read on for the full scoop!

Back-to-School This Year, Definitely a Kleenex Moment!

Temperatures are soaring to the high 90’s.  We’re spending most of our days cooling off in the lake and rationing water to our heat-tinged garden.  It’s difficult to fathom, but back-to-school time is only three week away in my neck o’ the woods!

I’m totally not prepared.

Not only do I not have any of my back-to-school shopping done yet, I’m struggling to still come to terms with the fact that my youngest is now entering high school.  And my granddaughter is now in elementary school!

I know, I know, we all say “where did the time go?”  But, really, where has it flown?  Every year, right before school starts I am a mess-puddle thinking about how the years have quickly brought us to the next milestone.

Back-to-School This Year, Definitely a Kleenex Moment!

This is definitely my Kleenex Moment.  I confess, I am likely to finish a box before they even walk out the door to get on the bus for the first day.

Can you relate?

It’s not only that I’m in awe of starting the next year in their climb towards eventually leaving the home nest, it’s also that I know I will dearly miss them.  I really enjoy having my kids home in the summer, getting to spend so much family time without as many schedules to keep.

Fortunately, Sam’s Club and Kleenex have me covered with a fantastic special – 16 boxes of Kleenex for $16 at Sam’s Club.  With that many, and for that price, I may actually have enough to send the kids to school with while keeping my back-to-school budget in check.

Back-to-School This Year, Definitely a Kleenex Moment!

That’s certainly enough Kleenex to stock up for home, work and school.

Enough Kleenex to send a pack in each sport bag because they are always in need of them.

Maybe even enough Kleenex to catch my wistful tears as we creep closer and closer to that momentous first day of school.

Back-to-School This Year, Definitely a Kleenex Moment!

Ultimately, major money-saving offers combined with a product I’m desperately in need of equals – Awesomeness!

What’s your Kleenex Moment?  Do you weep at the sound of the school bus pulling up to your driveway?

If you need some tissue support, you can find the 16 boxes of Kleenex for $16 deal at Sam’s Club online and at your local store.

Back-to-School This Year, Definitely a Kleenex Moment!


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Tags: Back-to-school, health, Teen
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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