Farm Kittens and Cat Hammocks

One of the things my son begged for when we moved to our new farm was a hammock set. “Why not?” I thought.  With a lovely backyard full of plenty of shady spots to relax, I knew it would be put to good use.

Turns out, we all got pretty psyched about the double hammock we purchased.  So much so that I’m thinking we may need to soon set up a time share schedule or acquire a few more.

What I didn’t expect to coincidentally acquire in the meantime was an extra hammock for my cat.  Yes, you read that right, my cat.

Farm Kittens and Cat Hammocks

I have to confess that when I first saw the offer to review the Luxury Cat Hammock, I giggled. A pet lounge for small, medium, Large cats and small dogs (or other small animals) did seem a little far fetched.

Don’t get me wrong. Miss Harley Quinn (Harley Q. for short,) is a super diva in our home. The fact that she may already have more furniture than I do has not escaped my attention.

Just a hammock… for cats… really?

Well, yes.

Farm Kittens and Cat Hammocks

The Luxury Cat Hammock popped up on our doorstep. To make things crystal clear, I received this hammock at no cost to check out, review and share my thoughts with Rural Mom readers. #sponsored

We were all quite curious to see this contraption in action. Hubby took care of the setup (which he assures me was a breeze) and we all ooh’d and ahh’d awhile over the beautiful design.

Truly, as far as cat perches go, it’s a beauty. When the manufacturer decided to add “luxury” in the product name, they weren’t messing around. Soft yet strong fabric, gorgeous maple hardwood, and polished steel chains.  It looks more like a handcrafted work of art than a snooze zone for my kitten.

Farm Kittens and Cat Hammocks

At this point, I decided the optimum place for this fun contraption was my office. You see, Harley Q. has recently decided that my desk and printer look like cozy nap spots but as you can imagine, when I’m trying to work, this just doesn’t work out very well.

A beautiful, charming cat hammock next to my desk, however, is an exceptional idea. And thankfully Harley Q. agrees. Making everything copacetic in cat land and my work space.

All because of a cat hammock.

Who knew?

We are still fighting over who gets the next turn on the adult-sized hammock in my backyard but our kitty, per usual, has full command of her own cozy space.

Farm Kittens and Cat Hammocks

Thanks to the cool cats at Pet Magasin who spent countless hours designing and perfecting the Luxury Cat Hammock for your feline friend’s enjoyment, I have a 30% off code to use for your purchase! Use CODE: 5F2WSQO4 at or on Amazon (code works on either website.)

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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