Are You a #4HGrown Alum? Raise Your Hand!

I am very proud to call myself a 4-H Mom! I also identify as a 4-H volunteer and wish I was a 4-H alum. The way 4-H has enriched our lives is extraordinary. I can’t wait to call myself a 4-H grand-mom when my granddaughter begins her journey with this amazing program. Thanks to my partnership with 4-H, I’m excited to share information on the #4HGrown “Raise Your Hand” initiative and the importance of empowering our children with valuable life skills.

Are You a #4HGrown Alum? Raise Your Hand!

Growing up, I didn’t have opportunity to participate in 4-H, but I did have grandparents and parents who gifted me with knowledge and hands-on experience with gardening, cooking, and sustainable living practices. This skill set gave me the foundation from which to thrive and continue my journey. When my children were little I in turn, passed this knowledge and appreciation of nature onward and when I discovered the 4-H program for the first time, I was truly excited to discover the amazing wealth of opportunities available that would enrich our lives even more!

The popular notion that “it takes a village” has so much merit and fits well within the construct of 4-H. As an individual, my knowledge and skills are limited, as a community our knowledge and skills are vast! My personal growth journey via participation with the 4-H program has been profound.

Are You a #4HGrown Alum? Raise Your Hand!

By working as an adult volunteer, participating in programs with my children, and attending classes offered, I’ve learned so many new skill sets from how to cure hams to making fresh Christmas wreaths to how to best prune my trees. Best of all, I learned what it truly means to be part of a caring community, how to use my leadership abilities and knowledge to empower our youth, and what a difference we can make in the life of a child when we simply give of our time and talents.

I may have missed out on the childhood experience in 4-H, but in many ways, I have become a 4-H alum in my adulthood, experiencing tremendous growth as an individual and leader in our community. This is an experience I will always cherish and wish to pass along to our future generations.

Are You a #4HGrown Alum? Raise Your Hand!

One of my very favorite chefs, Fabio Viviani, is always saying “the world doesn’t have enough grandmas.” I take this notion to heart and feel it applies well to my 4-H participation. This program gives me the chance to be that “grandma” we all need, the one who will empower us, just as mine did, with a respect for our natural world and instill life-long values and skill sets that help us to live life to the fullest.

Do you remember the values you learned in 4-H? Now is your chance to pay it forward and show your pride as “4-H Grown” alumni with the “Raise Your Hand” initiative: Share your experiences, photos, memories and love for 4-H on social media and tag other alumni asking them to raise their hand, too. Use and follow the #4HGrown hashtag to connect with fellow alumni and fans of 4-H.

Are You a #4HGrown Alum? Raise Your Hand!

We live in a world where the importance of growing life skills in kids today is paramount. It’s up to each of use to empower our youth with the values and skill sets that will help them succeed and become future leaders, improving their lives, and the lives of others.

Will you help me pay our blessings forward and share our love of 4-H? It’s easy, just Raise Your Hand!

Are You a #4HGrown Alum? Raise Your Hand!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of 4-H. The opinions and text are all mine.

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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