Have You Visited Fabio Viviani’s Kitchen?

It’s no mystery that I’m a huge fan of Fabio Viviani!  If you’ve hung around Rural Mom for any length of time, you’ve likely caught our raves for Fabio Viviani Wines or our sweet experiences with Chef’d and Fabio’s recipes there (I just ordered the Chicken Parmigiano and can’t wait to make it this weekend!

Have You Visited Fabio Viviani's Kitchen?

Why am I such a Fabio Viviani fan? Perhaps it’s his authentic and endearing personality.  Perhaps it’s the authentic and wildly-wonderul recipes he shares.  Maybe it’s the grace and determination he displayed on Top Chef.  I think it’s all of these things and then-some, but one thing I know for sure – every recipe he shares is beyond delicious!

I first discovered Fabio Viviani during Yahoo “ciao chow” show days and honestly, he taught my husband to cook amazing Italian meals (talk about a prelude to romance!)  Which is why I’m so delighted to see the fabulous chef return to video with Fabio’s Kitchen, his  new online cooking series.  I think this brings Fabio back to his roots and I’m so excited to bring him back to our family kitchen in a personable, fun way!

The first episode is a tutorial on fresh pasta dough, check it out:

And the Episode 3 is my all-time favorite, Fabio’s famous meatballs, a recipe that is absolute perfection!

You can catch all the show at https://www.youtube.com/user/fabio1978viviani – I honestly cannot wait to see what is next!

I have every cookbook Fabio has authored, but there’s so much more to be enjoyed and appreciated with a live tutorial.  Someday I will catch Fabio Viviani live in a class, perhaps at one of his delightful Chicago restaurants, but until then, I’m so glad we have him back online teaching us how to cook authentic Italian dishes with humor and style!

Thank you, a hundred times thank you, Fabio for entering our homes again and teaching us classic Italian cooking!

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Tags: Italian, Recipes
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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