Kitchen Secrets: The 4-Ingredient Diabetes Cookbook

We all want a better, healthier lifestyle but sometimes it feels like there isn’t enough time in the day to achieve our goals.  If you are dealing with an illness like Diabetes, it can be even more complex in making the right food choices and finding time to prepare healthier meals.  Cooking can be one of the most daunting tasks, especially with a busy schedule.  We found that the 4-Ingredient Diabetes Cookbook helps deliver a quick and easy solution for all your meals, freeing up your time and delivering delicious choices.

Kitchen Secrets: The 4-Ingredient Diabetes Cookbook

Thanks to the American Diabetes Association, we were able to obtain a review copy of The 4-Ingredient Diabetes Cookbook and catch up with author Nancy S. Hughes for a little Q&A:

This is the second edition of The 4-Ingredient Diabetes Cookbook; What is new?

Tons of new recipes, including more smoothies, whole grain and veggie recipes and new photography as a bonus!

Recipes include:

  • Double-Duty Banana Pancakes
  • Pork and Avocado Salad
  • Panko and Ranch Chicken Strips with Dipping Sauce
  • Sriracha Roasted Pork with Sweet Potatoes
  • Sirloin Hoagies
  • Fruit-Scoop Muffin Cobbler
  • and Frozen Chocolate Peanut Butter Layered Pie

In the book, you talk about the trip to the grocery store. What are some valuable tips you can share with readers?

Pick up a couple of rotisserie chickens and use one for dinner. Use the leftovers for sandwiches, salads, and any recipes that calls for cooked chicken, and wrap the other chicken tightly in plastic wrap and freeze for another time! Just remember to discard (not eat!) the skin.

With both time and ingredients, what are the top benefits of this cookbook?

It leaves you with time to focus on the other things in your life, anything you need!

You have ‘Cooks Tips’ throughout your book, what are some of them you can share with us now?

Skin a chicken leg easily using a paper towel to remove skin (the paper towel provides traction!)

Why would someone without diabetes use this cookbook?

It’s the way people should eat to stay healthy! The book is a valuable tool for those managing their diabetes and anyone looking to have a healthier relationship with food.

Anything else you wish to share with Rural Mom readers? 

Bottom line – if it looks easy on the written page, it will feel easy in your mind and if it’s easy (and delicious), you’ll want to do it again and again which will help you stay on a healthy track…and isn’t that the whole point?  I hope you enjoy this ‘much-needed-in-everyone’s-life’ book…I do!

Want to learn more?  THE 4-INGREDIENT DIABETES COOKBOOK is available at and in bookstores nationwide.

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Tags: books, health, Recipes
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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