Clever Holiday Apps You Didn’t Know You Needed!

You know I love a good app. Most of the time they make my life easier, but truth be told I like them mostly because they’re just plain fun! I particularly enjoy finding clever new holiday apps to use.  This year I’ll be using the MOTO Z to download my apps to, but this post solely focuses on the joy of holiday app-ing!

At the moment, I’m beefing up my apps to help me with the holidays (maybe I should say “turkeying” instead of “beefing”– would you believe there is such a thing as a turkey app?) Here are some clever holiday apps you didn’t know existed. I’m an android girl, so all of these apps are available on Google Play, however most are also available for iOS.

Clever Holiday Apps You Didn't Know You Needed! #VZWBuzz

Speaking of turkey apps, let’s start the list with the Butterball Cookbook Plus app. It’s a cookbook app that gives you recipes, nutrition information, sharing options, and even helpful tips and tricks for making that turkey moist and delicious. If Butterball’s recipes don’t appeal to you, you can always go with one of the tried and true recipe apps like Allrecipes. Yummly, or Food Network. Just be careful taking that turkey out of the oven! (By the way, if you happen to burn your hand, the American Red Cross First Aid app will give you some quick tips for taking care of it!)

Now imagine that dinner is over and you’re falling asleep on the couch next to Aunt Sally waiting for the stores to open for Black Friday. Set an alarm with a brilliant app like Alarm Clock Xtreme or Alarmy.

Ready to shop till you drop? I hope you have your list ready! I really like the Christmas Gift List app. It allows you to make a list for everyone and set a budget as well so you can keep track of your spending. Gift List Manager is also a favorite, with the added bonus that you can set it up for any holiday, including birthdays.

While you’re shopping, there are several apps to help you with price matching. Different apps have different functionalities, but Shopsavvy is a great tool for getting the best deal. It even has a barcode scanner so you don’t have to search for the item. Buyvia is another app with a barcode scanner and will additionally let you search to see if items are in stores locally.

I could really go on all day, but I’m going to end with cash back apps, because everything ends well with cash back! Your cash back apps will often show you coupons and sales, and when you buy through the app, you get cash back.

The one I use the most for online shopping is Rakuten, but there are plenty of others you can use to shop now.  Cash back apps for groceries like Walmart’s Savings Catcher, iBotta, and Receipt Hog, which allow you to take pictures of your receipts and get a small percentage back. (The Savings Catcher app gives you the difference between Walmart’s price and local competitors that are priced lower.)

Like I said, I’ve only scratched the surface here when it comes to clever holiday apps. Feel free to share your go-to holiday apps as well! The more the merrier!

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Tags: holidays, Technology
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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