The Benefits of Bedtime Stories

Do you read to your children at bedtime?  Did you know that in addition to sharing your love of reading and bonding with your child, there are many other educational and therapeutic benefits of reading bedtime stories?  Thanks to our partnership with Random House Children’s, we are excited to discuss the benefits of bedtime stories and share information on and a giveaway for a lovely new bedtime storybook,  “The Little Elephant Who Wants to Fall Asleep.”

The Benefits of Bedtime Stories #FallAsleepwithElephant

When I was little, my mother read me bedtime stories daily.  I didn’t realize it then, of course, but she was setting the building blocks for my life-long love of reading and the foundation for my career as an author and freelance writer.  I carried this tradition on with my children and now I’m so happy to see my children also carrying forward the tradition of reading bedtime stories.  My daughter now reads to my granddaughter regularly and my sons get in on the action by reading to their niece when they get the chance, too.

My oldest son has loved elephants from early childhood.  So much so that I’ve sought out books and stuffed animals throughout his life to celebrate this connection and we recently donated to a zoo program so that he might experience an up-closed elephant encounter by feeding and learning more about these magnifient animals.

The Benefits of Bedtime Stories #FallAsleepwithElephant

He was tickled to see “The Little Elephant Who Wants to Fall Asleep” arrive at our home and asked, without prompting, if he could read it to his niece.  Naturally my book-loving mom heart melted at his request.  It certainly brings you great joy to know your child is interesting in sharing their interests and love of reading with others!

Reading together helps strengthen the family bond and is an important factor in developing our children’s reading skills.  The time we share together is magical when we embark on a reading journey, creating wonderful memories of this shared experience.  The life-long benefits of bedtime stories (or anytime we read with our children or loved ones) are valuable ones.  If you haven’t started a bedtime story routine yet, consider these additional benefits of doing so (and if you already read nightly, the benefits will simply reinforce the wonderful gifts your are giving your child or loved one.)

The Benefits of Bedtime Stories #FallAsleepwithElephant

Reading at bedtime is relaxing.  Sitting down and reading a story together is a very relaxing experience for both parent and child.  Your voice is soothing to your child and the story will engage their senses of creativity and imagination, dispelling any negativity or stress from the day.  Having your child lay down in bed or cuddle with you on the couch also sets the stage for relaxation.

“The Little Elephant Who Wants to Fall Asleep” is a book designed with the objective of helping children fall asleep and improving families’ bedtime routines with all-new child-tested, parent-approved techniques.

Reading betime stories helps establish routine.  It can be helpful for many children to have a bedtime routine to help them wind down from an active day and signify that it is now time for sleep. By offering them a bedtime story to look forward to, it can make the routine a very positive and rewarding way to end the day.

The Benefits of Bedtime Stories #FallAsleepwithElephant

Reading at bedtime helps develop vocabulary and reading skills.  Studies have proven that reading to your child at an early age helps your child to be reading-ready (a term used in education settings.)  What this means is your child will likely have an easier time learning to read and developing advanced reading and vocabulary skills.

Bedtime stories help children develope communication skills.  When your child reacts to the story or you take the time to disuss the story with them after reading, you are encouraging their communication skills development.  It is also beneficial when the story contains dialogue as it helps the child to better understand the ebb and flow of conversational communication.

Reading at bedtime helps instill and reinforce important values.  Most children’s stories have a positive moral or an important value to teach.  Books offer us an easy way to discuss and share important values with our child and to reach them in a way they will better understand.

The Benefits of Bedtime Stories #FallAsleepwithElephant

About the The Little Elephant Who Wants to Fall Asleep

Release: October 4, 2016
Recommended for ages 3-7
Swedish author Carl-Johan Forssén Ehrlin’s first book for children, The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep (2015), was a runaway success, with international sales exceeding 1.6 million copies and widespread media attention for its reported success in lulling children to sleep by employing positive-reinforcement techniques to promote relaxation.

With his second picture book, The Little Elephant Who Wants to Fall Asleep, Ehrlin has the same objective of helping children fall asleep and improving families’ bedtime routines with all-new child-tested, parent-approved techniques.

Beautifully illustrated by Sydney Hanson, the new book features Ellen the Elephant, who is on a journey through a magical forest that leads to sleep. Along the way, she meets different fantastical characters and has soothing experiences that are meant to help children relax and slip quickly into slumber. The book also includes tips from Ehrlin for using the techniques successfully.

The Benefits of Bedtime Stories #FallAsleepwithElephant

About the Author, Carl-Johan Forssein

Carl-Johan Forsseìn Ehrlin is a behavioral scientist with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and teaches communications at a Swedish university. He is also a life coach and leadership trainer. Carl-Johan has combined all of these skills and experiences in developing the techniques in this book.

For more information:

The Benefits of Bedtime Stories #FallAsleepwithElephant

What benefit of reading bedtime stories do you enjoy the most? Do you have any benefits you would add to the list?  

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • Cynthia C
    • November 12, 2016

    Reading to my kids at bed time was always a special bonding time for us.

    • Rita M
    • November 16, 2016

    Bedtime reading is a whole new world now that my granddaughter is learning to read – I am amazed at how fast she is learning!

    • Angela Hendricks
    • November 19, 2016

    I love being able to read and cuddle with my kids at night because its a great time to bond with them.

  1. Reply

    I love that it helps establish communication skills. My 2 year old had some trouble speaking and he took longer then my older children to catch on. Reading helps him out! Would love to add this book to our growing collections.

    • patty.wright
    • November 21, 2016

    Both my kids had learning disabilities (1had autism)(1had learning problems) I found an interest that they liked and bought books about it and they wanted to read and learn.

    • laura588
    • November 29, 2016

    The benefits for me is the close bonding we form each night while I read to my son and daughter. It is a special closeness which I hope someday they will do with their own children.
    Laurie Emerson

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