What are Your Bare Necessities? #JungleBookBluray

A comfy home, honey and ants – these are the “bare necessities” to a bear like Baloo in THE JUNGLE BOOK.  The simple, wonderful basics that enrich our daily life, allowing us to live more carefree and fulfilled days.

In our house, my youngest son says morning coffee and big hugs the “mommy recipe” for happiness, and he’s pretty spot on!  My favorite way to start any day is with lots of love, hugs, and a little meditation time after with a great cup o’ Jo. There are plenty of other moments I treasure, but if the day starts with those three, it’s always one that begins from a place of great joy!

What are Your Bare Necessities? #JungleBookBluray

Obviously, I can start a day without paying homage to my favorite food group, coffee, leaving love and hugs my ultimate “must-haves,” but it’s like that proverbial icing on the cake.  Don’t have to have it, but sure makes the day taste a lot sweeter.

I feel very blessed to be in a place in my life – one hard earned through age and the general wisdom that accompanies it! – to truly relate to the lyrics of the “Bare Necessities” song, particularly the notion that “the bare necessities of life will come to you.”  I don’t see this as a lazy or lackadaisical attitude, but more one that stems from a place of true zen.  When we stop focusing as much on what we “want” or always trying to fill our lives with elusive or desirable things, we begin to take a hard look at what we truly need and appreciating what we have.

Starting the day tending to my garden is lovely.  Waking up on vacation and watching the sunrise on the beach is divine.  Many other things/emotions/experiences can be added to my list of favorites but if I strip it straight down to the essentials:

Love. Hugs. Coffee.  My soul is well fueled by these bare necessities each morning.

The Bare Necessities – Disney Video

What are the bare necessities that keep you energized everyday?

THE JUNGLE BOOK reimagined with in-depth bonus features is now available on Digital HD and on Blu-ray!

What are Your Bare Necessities? #JungleBookBluray

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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