What Are The Benefits of a Bone Broth Diet?

It is important to find new ways to stay on top of your health. This is especially true if you are someone that deals with pain on a daily basis. Whether you are not able to move your joints the way that you once were or you are experiencing digestive troubles, it can be very useful to find a solution.

Though you might not realize it, there are a few ways that you can promote a healthier physical condition without having to do much at all. Beginning a broth diet, with a heavy emphasis on bone broth, can be a surefire way for you to see some improvements in your health. To help you understand, here are a few of the many health benefits that you can expect when you make the switch to this type of diet.

What Are The Benefits of a Bone Broth Diet?

Bone Broth Helps Your Joints

Aging is not fun. Though there are tons of perks that come along with a life that has been fully lived, there are also an equal amount of drawbacks that reflect how fully you have been living. Your joints, for example, tend to begin breaking down much earlier than you might anticipate. This results in a difficulty with manipulating your body in an easy and productive way. Though there are several different ways to improve your joints, many of these options include pills and prescriptions that you might not want to get down with. Luckily, trying out a cup of bone broth by the people at Au Bon Broth might be able to completely transform the way you approach joint health.

Collagen is a protein that can be found in the connective tissue of almost all animals on the planet. Once collagen begins to break down it becomes gelatin. When found in this state, collagen can be incredibly helpful for your joints. Those who are on the bone broth diet have said that, within a few days, they have noticed a huge difference in how their joints feel. This is because collagen and gelatin can soothe inflamed joints and actually work towards improving the overall integrity of these sensitive parts of your body. If you have been struggling with pain in your fingers, knees, elbows, or anywhere else that you have joints, then it might be a great idea to explore how this broth can help your health.

Bone Broth Helps Your Gut

Another issue that can come along with getting older has to do with the overall health of your digestive system. Depending on your eating habits, you might be dealing with a wide array of different problems with your stomach, intestines, or other parts of this system. One of the more common conditions to take the stage in recent years is Leaky Gut Syndrome. The name might sound disgusting, but it is appropriately dubbed for how awful it can be to the body. Those suffering from this syndrome are likely to experience trouble digesting foods due to holes or leaks found in the intestinal lining of their organs. Undigested food is able to make it through these little cracks, tainting the bloodstream, and wreaking havoc on your body. Luckily, the same broth diet that improved your joints is able to work towards eliminating the threats of this condition.

The gelatin and collagen found in Au Bon Broth’s bone broth can help to repair the leaks that are causing you distress in your gut. In addition to this, there are many different amino acids that can be found in bone broth. These amino acids are able to work with the gelatin in order to get your digestive system running the way that it is supposed to. Instead of having to go to a series of doctors and undergo all kinds of tests to find out what is happening with your body, try to switch to a broth diet. You might find that this is exactly the switch you needed to make to foster a better sense of digestion in your body.

Get Started With Bone Broth

There are many issues that can come your way as you age. In order for you to be able to stay in the best condition possible, it is important that you know what moves to make. Switching bone broth into your daily routine is a surefire way for you to improve the integrity of your joints and your digestive system. See what Au Bon Broth has to offer and see if it makes a world of difference in your life.

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • Linda Kinsman
    • September 2, 2016

    I love cooking with beef broth, but never considered the health benefits. I just knew it made my soups and stews taste great. This is was an informative post, thank you!

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