Help Our Troops Celebrate the Holidays with Comforts From Home!

Help Our Troops Celebrate the Holidays with Comforts From Home!

I am the granddaughter of Stephen, who died in the line of duty in WWII.

I am the granddaughter of Josephine, who picked up the pieces and raised my mother and uncle, working in the factories making clothing and supplies for our military.

I am the daughter of Joseph, who couldn’t wait to join the Navy and served during the Korean War. And the daughter of Darlene, who married this wonderful man who both taught me the importance of the men and women who serve our country.

We live in a terrific country with freedoms we often take for granted (myself included.)  It’s tough sometimes to focus on our liberties when we are busy with the bustle of the holiday season.  Can you imagine being far from your family and home during the holiday, though?

Help Our Troops Celebrate the Holidays with Comforts From Home!

America is filled with good-hearted hard working people, incredible landscapes, bountiful land, and resources beyond compare.  America is also protected by people who would give their lives to secure our freedoms and property, and families who give generously of their time and comforts to support them.

Serving in the military can be a hard, lonely, and often thankless job.  I can tell you first hand how important it is for someone far away from home to receive a bit of cheer, whether it comes in the form of a letter, a home-cooked meal, baked goods or a simple smile or salute from those passing by.

That’s why I’m thrilled to see that Marie Callender’s announced the return of the Comforts from Home Project, a partnership with the United Service Organizations (USO) that’s dedicated to bringing the heartwarming feelings, flavors, and favorites of home to those who miss it most. Last year, with our (consumer’s) support, Marie Callender’s delivered care packages to servicemen and women stationed overseas through the 250 million dollar donation to the USO2GO program!

Help Our Troops Celebrate the Holidays with Comforts From Home!

I trace my initial love of baking to my father, who delighted in making mountains of xx and confectionery throughout the holiday season.  While his culinary education began under the watch of my grandmother, who filled our plates with Irish apple cakes and mincemeat pies, my father attributed the bulk of his kitchen skills to the Navy.  As a young enlistee, he spent plenty of time in the galley of the ship, learning plenty about potatoes (as expected!) but also how to prep and prepare flavorful dishes to satisfy a hungry crew – this may explain his propensity to bake enough to literally feed an army each year!  Though he left the kitchen of the ship early to explore a career as a deep sea diver, he always spoke fondly of his time in the galley.

One of my dad’s favorites was apple pie and what’s more American than apple pie, right?  Dutch Apple was his favorite and subsequently became one of mine, too.  While I love to bake one from scratch – but remember that busy bustle of the holidays I just mentioned? – I appreciate that I can turn to Marie Callender’s for an authentic homemade goodness and serve my family a delicious Marie Callender’s Dutch Apple Pie!

Help Our Troops Celebrate the Holidays with Comforts From Home!

The Marie Callender’s Comforts From Home Project works like this:

  • From September 1, 2015 through January 29, 2016, you can help give to the USO Operation Celebration program by entering the on-pack code from one of the more than 51 million specially-marked Marie Callender’s frozen meals or desserts at
  • Each code entered online equals a $0.50 donation to the USO.
  • The guaranteed minimum donation is $100,000 and the maximum donation is$300,000.
  • There’s a limit 5 code entries per person/computer each day and the project is valid in the U.S. Only.

We’re shopping for these special boxes and will be serving up Dutch Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie and more this holiday season.  My hubby and sons were enthused when we were shopping for the pies and loved learning about the Comforts from Home promotion.  How cool is that? I love that this has given me a fun opportunity to open up a conversation with my boys, opening their eyes to how much other sacrifice for our benefit.

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I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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Tags: baking, holidays
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • Alex
    • December 2, 2015

    I really want pie right now! What a great cause this is, I’m going to look for the packages and get some Dutch Apple!!

    • Samantha
    • December 3, 2015

    I’m not much of baker so I have to resort to frozen desserts whenever I’m feeling like eating something sweet. I’ll keep an eye on marked Marie Callender’s pies, I have to buy a lot for our next girls’ night in. I just put them in the oven and cover them with meringue, they’re insanely good! Your hubby is hilarious, he looks just like my brother when he had a beard – not because he wanted to, but because he lost a bet.

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