Quick Recipe: Smoked Salmon Tacos with Mango Orange Salsa

Pumpkin may be the buzz flavor of the season, but for me, I’m thinking pink! While not your traditional flavors, nothing speaks holidays to me better than smoked salmon and fresh oranges.  Both have a long tradition in our family stemming from generations of fishermen and Irish stockings filled with fresh fruits and candies.  My nostalgic  flavor journey is sponsored by Chicken of The Sea, who provided me with a Pink Up Your Lunch Kit and and compensation for my time.  As always, all thoughts, opinions and culinary appreciation for salmon are that of Rural Mom!

Smoked Salmon Tacos with Mango Orange Salsa #NationalSalmonDay

When I close my eyes and think of holiday celebrations, I can smell the savory wood-fired salmon resting on a plank in the middle of our buffet.  This was the gourmet treat my entire family looked forward to delighting in.  Though we enjoyed salmon throughout the year (thanks to the talented fishermen in our family!) only the best and biggest selections were smoked solely for the holidays.

Oranges played an equally significant role in all our celebrations as traditionally, they were found in holiday stockings along with nuts and candies.  My father, who grew up through the Great Depression era had such a love for oranges that it permeated all our large gatherings, whether in the form or slices, sauce or zest used in desserts.  He regaled us with tales of how the only time he had oranges as a child was when they were found in his stocking Christmas morning and how he and his siblings would rush to eat them, leaving a frenzied array of peels on the living room floor that made my grandmother trill!

Smoked Salmon Tacos with Mango Orange Salsa #NationalSalmonDay

With these two ingredients so prominent in my youth, it didn’t take me long to discover that when savory smoked salmon was paired with the sweet fresh oranges, the result was simply divine!  Both of these delights compliment each other so well, I’ve searched for ways over the years to pair them further by creating concoctions like orange-glazed salmon or by simply serving up smoked salmon, orange slices and toast for a delicious breakfast option.  When I learned Chicken of The Sea’s initiative to “Pink Up Your Lunch,” I knew it was time to create a lunch recipe that pair my two seasonal favorites!  The end result is a fabulous Smoke Salmon Taco with Mango Orange Salsa recipe that’s perfect for a quick cold lunch option easily enjoyed at home or packed in a lunchbox.

Smoked Salmon Tacos with Mango Orange Salsa #NationalSalmonDay

If you love salmon but don’t necessarily like to have it smoked-style, Chicken of the Sea has some excellent flavor options your could easily swap into this recipe to create an entirely new delicious creation like Barbecue Salmon Tacos or even go spicy with the new Chicken of the Sea Sriracha Salmon!  Keeping things simple with Chicken of the Sea Skinless/Boneless Pink Salmon (now available in quad packs) is an equally good option.  When there’s quality salmon involved, the delectable recipe options are endless!  Find out more about all of the Chicken of the Sea flavor options at http://chickenofthesea.com/

Smoked Salmon Tacos with Mango Orange Salsa #NationalSalmonDay

Creating Smoked Salmon Tacos with Mango Orange Salsa for your lunch is so quick and easy you can can even whip it up in the morning if you have a few extra minutes.  For lunch time, I like to keep things simple and highly transportable for lunch box use.  As you’ll primarily be using 1 package of Chicken of the Sea Premium Wild Caught Smoked Salmon, a simple homemade salsa and corn tortillas, you can pack everything separately in your lunchbox and put it together in seconds at work or on-the-go.  The orange zest and the pink Himalayan salt I added to further “Pink Up Your Lunch” can also be carried in a small container or omitted based on your taste preferences.  However you serve it up, I hope you enjoy this wonderful recipe which is now one of my favorite fall lunches!

Smoked Salmon Tacos with Mango Orange Salsa

Yield: 2-4

Serving Size: Individual Tacos

Smoked Salmon Tacos with Mango Orange Salsa

Note: If you prefer to add the orange zest and Himalayan salt directly to the salsa, you may. Simply add 1/2 teaspoon of orange zest and a dash of pink Himalayan salt prior to pulsing salsa in the food processor.

Also, If you wish to boost the salsa with a little heat, add 1 teaspoon of fresh jalapeno pepper (or more, to your taste.) You may also opt to add 1/4 cup of red pepper and 1/8 cup of red onion to the salsa to give it a little tex-mex flair.


  • 1 package of Chicken of the Sea Premium Wild Caught Smoked Salmon
  • 1/2 cup mandarin oranges
  • 1/2 cup mango, peeled and cubed
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh cilantro
  • orange zest
  • Pink Himalayan salt
  • 2-4 small corn tortillas


  1. Using a food processor, combine oranges, mango and cilantro. Pulse until fully mixed (will be slightly chunky, you may puree but the chunks of fruit add a nice texture to the dish.)
  2. Lay corn tortilla flat on a plate.
  3. Place 1/4th or 1/2 (depending on preference) of smoked salmon along the center of the tortilla (taco style.)
  4. Sprinkle a little orange zest and pink Himalayan salt over the salmon.
  5. Top salmon with mango orange salsa.
  6. Fold tortilla in half to create a pocket for the salmon and salsa (taco style) and enjoy!
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Want more delicious lunch-friendly recipes like Sriracha Salmon Cakes…

Sriracha Salmon Cakes

OR  Super Salmon Salad?  Visit http://chickenofthesea.com/ to find these great recipes and much more! 

Super Salmon Salad

Did you know October 8 is National Salmon Day?  

A special National Salmon Day coupon will be active/available for download at http://bit.ly/FREEsalmon from 12:01 AM to 11:59 PM on Oct. 8th – or until all prints have liquidated.  So be sure to check early and snag a Chicken of the Sea salmon pouch to sample!

Smoked Salmon Tacos with Mango Orange Salsa #NationalSalmonDay



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Tags: lunch
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
25 Perfect Pumpkin Treats for Fall! Do You Really Know How Much Time You Have in Your 24 Hour Day?


    • Terri Ramsey Beavers
    • October 7, 2015

    I’ve never tried salmon in tacos but I do love salmon patties. I make them 1 to 2 times a week. I’ll have to try your tacos soon.

    • Jenn @ EngineerMommy
    • October 7, 2015

    I do love a fish taco, and your recipe sounds delicious and easy to prepare! I’ve never tried the salmon in those pouches, but I’ll check them out next time I’m at the store!

    • Carol
    • October 7, 2015

    I’ve never thought of using salmon in tacos. These look amazing!

    • Alex
    • October 7, 2015

    Wow, this looks so amazing! I loveee love love salmon. Never tried the packets, though, so I’ll have to check them out. Great post!

    • Jen K
    • October 7, 2015

    My mom used to make salmon patties when I was little. When she visits I always have her make some.

    • Heather
    • October 7, 2015

    Yum! Mango orange salsa sounds delicious! I love how recipes seem to incorporate more and more of the mixing of fruits and veggies. Used to be you didn’t mix the two.

    • October 7, 2015

    I have to try fish tacos. I have never tried them before. Looks easy and I love salmon

    • YellowTennessee
    • October 7, 2015

    Yum. I love salmon and oranges but never thought about pairing them together. This looks like a great idea.

    • queenofthelandoftwigsnberries
    • October 7, 2015

    I absolutely LOVE combining salmon with grapes. There is something about the flavor combo that really pops, so I’m sure oranges would add a great citrus flavor as well. Maybe I’ll try it tonight–salmon is on the menu!

    • Alli
    • October 7, 2015

    Salmon is one of my favorite foods. I don’t eat meat, but I do eat my fair share of salmon. Love seafood and can’t wait to try your smoked salmon tacos. Mango and orange salsa – yes, please!

    • Jeanine
    • October 8, 2015

    Yum now this looks great! I’ve never really had salmon, as a kid the smell kind of scared me off (lol) but this I wonder if I could do. It looks super yummy.

    • brittany
    • October 8, 2015

    What a fun tradition for your family! I love that the salmon is in a traditional food for the holidays but it sounds super yummy!

    • Vanessa
    • October 8, 2015

    I can go on and on with how much I love salmon. I never knew Chicken of the Sea had canned salmon. I always love my salmon dishes medium raw. This looks like it is worth a try!

    • chbernard
    • October 8, 2015

    Yum! I didn’t even know that there was a national salmon day! This looks so good!

    • Clarissa Esquivel
    • October 8, 2015

    wow those tacos with the orange mango salsa look so yum! I’ll need to try it out

    • Katarina
    • October 9, 2015

    This looks so delicious! It is night time right here, and I’m getting incredibly hungry because of these gorgeous pictures!

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