Quick and Easy Superhero Pencil Case Craft for Kids

Early this week we introduced you to our ideas for creating a quick and easy Minion pencil case craft and now were back with more inspiration for Avengers-inspired superhero pencil and index card cases!  It can be tough to justify paying $3.00 or more for character pencil cases you can find in a plain color for 50 cents or less, but it’s easy to justify having a super fun craft time with your kids and creating a cool Superhero Pencil Case Craft for less than $1.00!

Quick and Easy Superhero Pencil Case Craft for Kids

The supplies needed to duplicate this design are:

Craft glue
Googly eyes (large)
Foam sheets (in your choice of colors)
1 rectangle pencil case
1 index card case
Thin black permanent marker
Your imagination!

Minus the imagination (which is already within you!) you can find all the supplies you need at your local convenience or dollar store.

Quick and Easy Superhero Pencil Case Craft for Kids

To create the Captain America pencil case, we started with a blue color rectangular pencil case and used red, brown, blue and white foam sheets and with a pair of googly eyes. The smile is a simple line drawn with black permanent marker. All the shapes were cut free hand using the pencil case as our tool to gauge the size.  You could also use stencils, rulers and shape patterns to help you create a more uniform look.  We were content with having our cases have a more natural handcrafted look.  The Iron Man index card case uses yellow and white foam sheets, a red index card case and a black permanent marker to create the outline and lines to simulate Iron Man’s armor.

Quick and Easy Superhero Pencil Case Craft for Kids

While we certainly have knowledge of our favorite superheroes and how they look, dress and so on, to help ensure we designed them correctly, we simply looked up a few pictures on Google for inspiration.  In addition to creating a foam “look” for your pencil case, you can further personal with your child’s name or any other style touches you wish to embellish the case with.  The comic book universe sky is the limit here, you could easily create a Wonder Woman, Hulk, Batman, Superman or even a Black Widow pencil case.

That’s it!  A few supplies, a little imagination, a fun craft time and with superhero speed we have a custom, unique matching school supply set for far less than we could purchase a stock one for in the store.  I hope our idea sparks your creativity at back-to-school time… or at least a fresh, fun way to take your best villain blasting pose!

Quick and Easy Superhero Pencil Case Craft for Kids

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Tags: Crafts
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • Rose M.
    • September 20, 2015

    The Captain America is adorable!!

    • Jenn @ EngineerMommy
    • September 20, 2015

    How fun and adorable is this! Useful for back-to-school, for sure! Thanks for sharing!

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