Power The Possibilities of Back-to-School Reading! #SummerReading

It’s already back-to-school time in Kentucky!  Like every year, summer seemed to fly right by but my sons are certainly excited to see their friends and embrace all the new school year has to offer.  As your are focusing on your back-to-school prep and excitement, Scholastic has some excellent resources including tips to avoid “summer brain drain”, as well as the Energizer Instant Win Game.  I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to share our experiences and to encourage reading. This post is sponsored by Scholastic, but as always, all thought, opinions and love of back-to-school and summer reading initiatives is that of Rural Mom. Read on for more information!

Power The Possibilities of Back-to-School Reading! #SummerReading

If you’ve been following along with our summer reading adventures, you already know how passionate I am about literacy and helping my children to enjoy reading.  Reading is core to our learning experience.  Good readers are better communicators and studies have proven over and over that reading aids in a child’s overall education success along with gifting them invaluable life skills.  We’ve taken our reading on the road and made discovering fun reads an adventure to help keep their skills sharp this summer.

I asked my boys to share their favorite summer reads along with a 5-word “book review.” This exercise was quite fun and challenging… I mean, after all, summing up a book in 5 words is no easy task!  I hope their choices help inspire your preteen or teen’s reading list!

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick – “Old-school mystery with great pictures”

Extreme Science Careers by Ann Squire  – “Super ridiculously interesting science stuff”

The Isle of the Lost by Melissa de la Cruz – “Cool origins of evil kids”

Wonder by R.J. Palacio – “Even better on second read!” and “I really like this kid!”

Jurassic World Dinosaur Field Guide by Dr. Thomas R. Holz Jr. – “Awesome facts about cool dinosaurs”


Power The Possibilities of Back-to-School Reading! #SummerReading

It’s not too late for you to help your children enjoy reading and to prevent the “Summer Brain Drain.” Scholastic’s Maggie McGuire has 5 easy tips for making reading a priority for your child, like setting a weekly minutes goal, reserving special time to read together as a family, and celebrating reading accomplishments. It’s never too late to get your kids reading, even while we embrace the back-to-school season.


Scholastic has joined together with ENERGIZER® to power the 2015 Summer Reading Challenge and encourage families to find innovative ways to discover the power and joy of reading. It’s not too late to take part! Now through September 4th, visit Scholastic.com/Summer. Click the links below for a sampling of the fun resources you’ll find with Scholastic:

· Unlock Original Short Stories from favorite Scholastic authors!

· Find Parenting Resources including Summer Reading printables, activity sheets, booklists and more!

· Play the Innovation Machine Game – a fun and creative writing game and contest!

· Visit “Videos in the Stacks” to receive reading tips for parents from Scholastic’s Maggie McGuire!

Power The Possibilities of Back-to-School Reading! #SummerReading


Energizer® and Scholastic are partnering to create the “Power the Possibilities” campaign which gives moms the tools they need to unlock their child’s talents, fuel their ambitions and set them up for future success. Parents can buy any specially marked pack of Energizer® brand batteries to scratch for a chance to win one of thousands of prizes that will power discovery and learning.

Prizes include a family trip to New York City, a Scholastic Study Corner Makeover, a tablet with Scholastic apps, a library of Scholastic books and more! Everyone who plays can also download free digital stories for their family.


Sign up for the Scholastic Summer Readng Challenge
Learn more about the Energizer® Instant Win Game
Follow @Scholastic on Twitter
Like the Energizer® Bunny on Facebook

Power The Possibilities of Back-to-School Reading! #SummerReading

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Tags: books
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • listen2mama
    • September 1, 2015

    Summer reading is essential to all kids. I think that nowadays, most schools have a required summer reading list for all grades. My daughter doesn’t enjoy it too much, but I think it’s very helpful.

    • MrsTee
    • September 1, 2015

    Summer definitely flew by this year and I was a total fail on enforcing our summer reading lists to the fullest. We got so busy it seemed nearly impossible. It is always so much easier for us to keep the library and books in our schedules during the school year. I am definitely going to try better next summer. I love the challenge you gave your boys to describe the books in 5 words. So fun!

    • Cynthia @craftoflaughter
    • September 1, 2015

    I love giving books as gifts and will add some of these for the upcoming holiday list! My grand daughters like the same subjects so they will love some of these books!

    • Wildish Jess
    • September 1, 2015

    My oldest is still learning how to read but I hope he falls in love with it!

    • Miranda (Myrabev)
    • September 1, 2015

    Reading is so important, if you can read you can go far. My siblings and I are fortunate that our parents encouraged reading daily and we love it hope to pass it on to our kids

    • Stephanie
    • September 1, 2015

    My daughter is 4 and she got a packet at the end of preschool with a page for each letter that was supposed to be practiced through the summer. We made it to letter E. It became a fight. I think reading over the summer is a much better idea because they get to actually enjoy the books. No one enjoys tracing letters! I can’t wait until next summer!

    • Amanda
    • September 1, 2015

    As a Reading Specialist I applaud this post. Reading should be a part of every day to help foster the love and joy of learning and reading.

    • Mykidsguide
    • September 1, 2015

    Reading is very important, especially during the summer while the kids are on vacation. I am so thankful the my kids love to read.

    • YellowTennessee
    • September 1, 2015

    What a fun idea to have them do a five word review. Reading is so important and I love when my children get books for gifts.

    • Stephanie Pass
    • September 2, 2015

    We go to the library quite often in the summer, and I push for my kids to read. I had no idea Melissa de la Cruz had a kid’s book out. I love her books for adults.

    • michele d
    • September 2, 2015

    Sounds like an awesome campaign they are running! Summer reading is so important specially to keep their reading skills refreshed!

    • Nikki
    • September 2, 2015

    Your kids looks had fun!! I think this is great idea, I wanted to read interesting story book for my kids. Reading skills is important.

    • Angie@chasingmyhalo
    • September 2, 2015

    You sound like such a great mom! I love how you discussed the books that your boys read. Summarizing it in 5 words is actually a wonderful study skill that they can use for so many things in the future. Kudos!

    • Carin Kilby Clark
    • September 2, 2015

    Summer reading is a must in our house. I like to make sure that they continue to keep their brains active and since they love to read it’s nice that I don’t have to push too hard.

    • chbernard
    • September 3, 2015

    There are so many amazing adventures for kids (& adults) in the pages of a book! More kids need to start reading and put down the electronics!

    • XmasDolly
    • September 8, 2015

    My granddaughter loves to read, and I’ll tell you she never took a course in speed reading, but that child she gets a book and POOF! She’s done. Amazing. My other granddaughter is a little slower, but she really retains everything. So proud of my girls.

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