5 Apps Every Parent Needs for Back-To-School

“There’s an app for that.” I’m not sure who to credit that quote to but it’s so true. There truly is an app for everything you can possibly think of, including back-to-school prep.

While we are still enjoying the sunny, breezy days of summer, no one wants to think about back-to-school yet, but for many of us, that date is less than a month away! To make things a little easier during your transition check out 5 of my favorites helpful back-to-school apps:

5 Apps Every Parent Needs for Back-To-School #VZWBuzz

1. Cozi Family Organizer. Cozi is an app that’s available for iOS, Android, and even PC. With families as busy as they are today, it’s always important to keep track of schedules, but when the lazy days of summer end and school begins, it takes some time to get used to being so busy all of a sudden. Cozi’s interactive interface allows everyone on the family to keep the same calendar on their phones and home PCs so that you’ll always know who needs to be at soccer practice, who has a tennis match, what time the school dance is, and when mom and dad may need some help with the carpooling. As if the ease of scheduling wasn’t enough, the app also has a recipe box and grocery list – when your teenager drinks the last drop of milk, they can easily enter it into Cozi instead of just putting the empty carton back into the refrigerator. (No, your kids aren’t the only ones who do that!)

2. Tweekaboo. Tweekaboo is currently available on PC and as an iOS app. It’s similar to Facebook, but 100% private. Only people you invite will be able to view the pictures, captions, and comments. You can use it for tracking all of those amazing milestones, and then when the child is old enough, you give them access and they can see it all for themselves. It can be started for a child at any age, and will be a perfect way to document “firsts” like first day of school, first graduation, first science fair, etc. all the way to college graduation. It’s like a digital journal you never have to worry about losing.

3. My HomeWork App. High school and college students can no longer use the excuse that they can’t find their assignment. Available for Android, Apple, and PC, this digital planner will help them keep track of homework and project due dates and times. Moms can use it to stay on top of things and make sure the kids aren’t slacking.

4. Cold Turkey. This is a productivity app available for Apple, Android, and PC that will help students and parents. It allows you to block certain distracting websites or even the entire internet for a period of time of your choosing. It’s perfect for students (and adults) who just “check Facebook” and then end up on there for an hour browsing their friends’ latest selfies. They can cut themselves off of any distraction for a few hours to three days to ensure that they study for that science test!

5. Tutor. Tutor, available via web browser, iOS, and Android, gives you an instant tutoring session when you need it. Let’s face facts – no matter what your feelings about common core, you’re going to need to learn the “new way” to do math if you want to be able to help your child with homework. Tutor can help you by giving you an online tutoring session with a math, science, social studies, or English tutor. You can save the session to review as many times as you’d like later, and store essays, projects, and other documents in a digital locker. There’s also a library with thousands of educational resources to give you a hand.

There are so many more apps that are perfect for this time of year, so I’d love to hear about your must-have back to school apps, too!  Please share them in the comments. 

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Tags: Back-to-school
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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