Help your child thrive with | Resources for Learning and Attention Issues

We have all met that kiddo that seems to act a bit differently than the other kids, the one who struggles with grades, behavior and social situations. But is it really just that one kid? Sure, there are the few who stand out more than others. But learning and attention issues are far more common than most people realize.

Help your child thrive with | Resources for Learning and Attention Issues

One in five children struggles with issues related to reading, math, writing, focus, and organization, yet many children with learning and attention issues do not have a diagnosis. The adults in their lives often have a hard time understanding their issues due to misconceptions and a lack of information and resources. As a result, children with learning and attention issues often face both academic and social challenges.

If you are a parent, a friend or family member who thinks that a child might be going through learning and attention disorders, you are not alone in this. There are five learning and attention issues that are most common:

  • ADHD: More Than Moving Fast
  • Dyslexia: The Best-Known Learning Issue
  • Dyscalculia: More Than Math Anxiety
  • Dysgraphia: Wrestling With Writing
  • Dyspraxia: Trouble With Motor Skills

Hopefully you have not been feeling completely without help in what you are going through, but if you have, you are certainly not alone! is a free, one-stop, easy-to-use online resource and community designed to help parents of children with learning and attention issues.

Help your child thrive with | Resources for Learning and Attention Issues

Understood was created by a coalition of 15 nonprofits, and its content and tools were informed by a survey of more than 2,200 parents of children with learning and attention issues. Understood offers free daily access to experts through chats and webinars, a safe online community that encourages parents to reach out to and learn from each other and a suite of specially designed, first-of-their-kind tools including:

  • Interactive Quizzes: to determine what might be happening with your child
  • Through Your Child’s Eyes: A series of interactive simulations and videos that enable parents to experience firsthand how smart people can struggle with a seemingly simple task when they have reading, writing, math, organization or attention issues.
  • Tech Finder: Expert-approved apps and games searchable by a child’s grade and issues.
  • Just For You: An opt-in system that provides additional levels of personalized content recommendations. (Parents don’t need to sign in to start getting customized recommendations on Understood; all they need to do to hit the ground running is check the boxes about their child’s grade and issues.) Parents who choose to complete a secure, confidential profile will receive recommendations for each child in their profile as well as for topics they’ve expressed interest in, such as siblings, travel and communicating with family and friends.
  • Decision Guide: Key questions to help parents think through big topics, such as whether it’s time to request a formal evaluation, let a child start dating or decide which path to pursue after high school.

Summer can be especially challenging for kids with learning and attention issues because of the change in routine, new social situations, and unusual environments. That’s why resources like can be so helpful – for example helping kids tackle the unique challenges of Events and Outings or creating new routines in your daily summer activities can be the difference between surviving or thriving this summer!

Help your child thrive with | Resources for Learning and Attention Issues



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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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