Simple tips to ease night-time allergy symptoms

allergy,bed,protectors,dust mites, night time allergies

I usually consider myself to be a very good homemaker. Doing my best to cook, clean and care for my family to the best of my ability is a source of pride for me, just as it was for my Mom and my Grandma. Going on the false assumption that my kid’s rooms were as clean as was their freshly washed bedding, I dismissed their coughs at night as a sign of seasonal allergies caused by pollen from outside our home.

allergy,bed,protectors,dust mites, night time allergies

I thought that my regular cleaning and washing of bedding was enough to combat indoor pollutants like dust mites and pet dander on my daughter’s beds, but I quickly learned I was wrong when Aller-Ease asked if I would like to take their allergy quiz, try their products and share my thoughts with you and host a giveaway. All opinions and love of a clean home are my own.

Taking AllerEase have you been Slumber Jacked was well worth the 30 seconds it takes. I invite you to take the quiz, then come back and read their helpful tips.

Providing a clean, fresh sleeping environment is very important for you and your family, not just during allergy season, but all year around. Getting rid of dust mites, pollen, pet dander and dead skin cells that collects on our bedding is necessary, especially for those with allergies or asthma.

night time allergies, pillow protector

I’ve been working down Aller-Ease’s Allergy Tip List to provide better sleeping conditions and ease night-time allergy symptoms for my family. Feel free to copy these tips to keep handy:

Allergy Tips:

  • Remove clutter from bedrooms and other areas of your home they are dust collectors.
  • Change your home air conditioner frequently.
  • Use a dehumidifier to help keep humidity below 50%.  Dust mites thrive at higher humidity levels.
  • Place non-washable plush toys in a zip-lock bag and put them in the freezer for 3-5 hours every week to kill off any dust mites.
  • If you have carpeting, use a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter to reduce airborne dust, or consider switching to hardwood or linoleum flooring.
  • Shampoo hair nightly and change clothes before entering the bedroom to avoid transferring outdoor allergens to your bed.
  • Don’t go to bed with yet hair. You could be breeding mold spores in your pillow!
  • Use AllerEase products to keep out dust mites, pet dander and pollen.  AllerEase products help eliminate the accumulation of these allergens so you sleep comfortably, night after night.

I know my girls are sleeping more soundly now that I’ve taken the steps to clean and protect their bedding and rooms. I’m slowly cleaning my way through our home to help all of us breathe easier. I invite you to visit AllerEase to learn more about their complete bedding systems. All of their products are chemical and pesticide free providing a natural form of allergy protection.

Win It!allergy,  washable mattress protectorThanks to the generosity of AllerEase, one lucky reader will win a mattress and pillow protector in your choice of size!


Entering is easy is easy using the Rafflecopter form below. Open to U.S. residents 18+. Rural Mom is not responsible for prize fulfillment.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

In your family, whose bed needs these protectors most?

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Tags: family, home decor, organic
Linda is a happy wife and mom of two teenage daughters living a semi-rural life just south of Nashville, TN. She likes strong coffee, being outside (especially at sunset), beautiful flowerbeds (sometimes they're hers), happy kids, happy bellies, a welcoming home and most every show on HGTV. When Linda isn't writing on Rural Mom, you can find her on her blog, My WAHM Plan, or running her Avon business.
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    • Jamie (TigerStrypes) (@satrntgr)
    • April 29, 2015

    We all have horrible allergies, so any of us could use this – thanks for the info! 🙂

      • Linda Kinsman
      • April 30, 2015

      I know how it is to have a family with allergies so I’m glad this information was helpful and good luck!

    • Momfever
    • April 30, 2015

    I think I do. I change the bedding weekly, and hope that’s enough.

      • Linda Kinsman
      • April 30, 2015

      We change our bedding weekly too, but I’ve started airing the blankets/comforters as well.

    • Cynthia C
    • April 30, 2015

    My bed could use this to relieve my seasonal allergies.

      • Linda Kinsman
      • April 30, 2015

      The mattress and pillow cover is really helping here Cynthia, I think you’ll like the results.

    • PuffyBiggler
    • May 1, 2015

    I need it most because I have allergies. Thanks for the giveaway!

    • Jessica Vaughan gengler
    • May 1, 2015

    My husband and I need them because we have the worst allergies

    • Kat McQuaid (@KouponKat)
    • May 6, 2015

    I would like to win this set for my daughter’s bed. She is in college and she will be moving into her first apartment in August.

      • Linda Kinsman
      • May 11, 2015

      This would be very helpful for a college student.

    • Christina Sparks
    • May 11, 2015

    My husband, he has all kinds of allergy issues.

    • Daisy
    • May 11, 2015

    I need this the most. We all have allergies, but mine is by far the worst in our family. I take daily allergy meds at this time of year and still suffer. I will do anything and everything to increase my comfort.

      • Linda Kinsman
      • May 12, 2015

      Hi Daisy, my spring allergies are worse this year than in previous years. I hope you find some relief soon!

    • mizztara71
    • May 12, 2015

    I’m the one with allergies in my family.
    Tara Woods

    • Laurie Emerson
    • May 12, 2015

    My bed needs these the most as I suffer from allergies all year long, which make me feel so miserable.

    • sam1
    • March 7, 2016

    I’m allergic to dust

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