Breakfast with the Cast of Chasing Life

April (Italia Ricci) and her mother, Sara (Mary Page Keller.)  Photo credit: ABC FAMILY/ Ron Tom

I saw my first episode of Chasing Life at a screening on the lot of ABC Studios.  Not sure what to expect, I imagined a young adult heart-wrenching drama that, well, wouldn’t necessarily be on my normal list of shows to tune into.  Five minutes into the show, I was hooked.  CHASING LIFE is a clever, poignant, humorous series chock full of highly talented actors that making watching each episode a true pleasure.  When the screening ending, I was totally hooked and eager to catch up on the back episodes!

The next morning, I had the amazing opportunity to sit down with the cast of Chasing Life including stars Italia Ricci, Mary Page Keller, and Haley Ramm along with the Executive Producers Sean Smith, Joni Lefkowitz and Susanna Fogel.  As a brand-spanking-new fan, it was a dreamlike experience that had little to do with my jet-lag and more with my anxiousness to know more about this fabulous show! 

For those who haven’t seen CHASING LIFE yet, the show centers on the story of April (Italia Ricci,) a twenty-something aspiring journalist who, just when everything is on the upswing, finds out she has cancer.  The show deals with April’s struggle to deal with this devastating news and still pursue her ambitions and keep in balance all the ins, outs and wonders of life. 

April (Italia Ricci)and her grandmother, Emma (Rebecca Schull) Photo credit: ABC FAMILY/ Ron Tom

CHASING LIFE is a very “real” show.  There’s no mellow-drama or exaggerated efforts to tug at the audiences heart-strings.  April could be any one of us or anyone that we know, there’s no superficiality about it.  It is simply life portrayed in an engaging, interesting and truthful manner that will have you fully invested in each character in the show.

The Executive Producers created the story line with the thought in mind to ensure that the show is about living.

“The responsibility we’ve taken on is to feel like we are doing it accurately and not with the intention to make people cry,” said Executive Producer, Sean Smith.  “We want things organic and real.  So much of the ‘bad stuff’ that comes out of a situation like this is fear of doing the wrong thing, so you don’t do anything.  We needed to have a show that is not afraid.” 

Mary Page Keller with some of the bloggers in attendance at the breakfast “meet and greet.”
(In case you were looking, I’m second from the right.) Photo Credit:
ABC FAMILY/ Eric McCandless 

The lead actresses in CHASING LIFE pour a lot of heart and soul into their characters, which clearly reflects in every scene of the show.  Italia Ricci has a “cry” playlist on her iTunes that helps get her “on the edge” when she needs to play a difficult scene.

“The first ten episodes were very emotional,” say Ricci. “I felt guilty, though.  Unlike my character, I get to come home and turn the cancer off.” 

Mary Page Keller, who plays April’s mother Sara, cares a great deal about portraying her role in an authentic manner.  She uses her own inner mom-meter to gauge if the character is responding in a natural way the viewers can identify with.  From a new fan perspective, I feel Keller has certainly achieved her goal as I identified strongly with her reactions and immediately sympathized with her role in the initial episode I viewed.  

Haley Ramm, who plays April’s sister Brenna, is a little older than her teen character but still fully identifies with her role.  She’s also excited that Brenna’s character is pushing some boundaries and is not just a shadow of her sister, but has a fully developed story line.  

Meeting with these leading ladies and Executive Producers of CHASING LIFE for breakfast was truly a delight.  I admire their dedication to ensure the show is portrayed in a genuine way and the depth of respect they have for their audience.  This is a series on my weekly must-see list and I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for quality television shows that celebrates life with a lot of heart and soul!   

April and her family prepare for her chemo and hospital stay in “What to Expect When You’re Expecting Chemo,” An all new episode of “Chasing Life” airing tonight, Tuesday, August 5th, at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT on ABC Family.

Tune in to CHASING LIFE at 9:00 PM PT on ABC Family.

Official ABC Family “Chasing Life” website:
Twitter: @chasinglifeabcf #ChasingLife

The talented, and very sweet Italia Ricci and me! Photo Credit: Barb Webb



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Tags: family
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • Daisy B
    • August 5, 2014

    I’m looking forward to watching Chasing Life. It looks like it will be a really good show. That is a beautiful photo of you and Italia Ricci!

    • Grace
    • August 5, 2014

    This does sound like a great show and I imagine this show would also be embraced by those battling or are winners over cancer as well.

    • Sarah
    • August 5, 2014

    That show looks wonderful! Thank you for sharing about it!

    • Mariah @
    • August 5, 2014

    I just started watching Chasing Life and it’s a wonderful show! It looks like you had a great experience!

    • Jeannette
    • August 5, 2014

    How much fun! I’ll have to check out the show!

    • NYCSingleMom
    • August 5, 2014

    I love this show, it is one of the best on television right now and love the positivity of the show even though the main character has cancer. I love your photos with the cast.

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