Nature’s New Ambassador: Interview with Vin Diesel aka “Groot” #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent

Nature's New Ambassador: Interview with Vin Diesel aka "Groot" #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent

The flurry of excitement engulfed the room, a steady building rev of the engine anticipating the thrill of the oncoming course.  As Vin Diesel entered the room, emotions and accolades raced across the walls that could barely contain the full-throttled frenzy.

“Wow look at this wonderful reception,” Vin Diesel said. “You guys! You didn’t have to make me feel that good.  My God! This is like… I need to walk in again.”

Nature's New Ambassador: Interview with Vin Diesel aka "Groot" #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent

So he did.

And the interviewer engines red lined.

 This type of reaction comes as no surprise, Vin Diesel has been charming audiences and press members for decades, since his early on-screen appearance.  “Charismatic” is perhaps an understatement for this talented star who has now managed to infuse his dazzle and pizzazz into the lovable new CGI character, Groot.

Vin Diesel credits his Facebook fans first for “manifesting this union” with Marvel, which ultimately led to his role as Groot in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY.  After the conceptual art book was sent over, Vin Diesel says his children led him the rest of the way.

“I was praying that they would lead me in feeling good about this role,” Vin Diesel said. “They all pointed Groot (in the conceptual art book).”

Nature's New Ambassador: Interview with Vin Diesel aka "Groot" #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent

After accepting the role, he was not prepared for the residual effects of from playing the role and the impact it would have on his children.

“Whenever we see trees, they say, ‘Look, Dad.  It’s your brothers and sisters,'” said Vin Diesel.  “You can’t beat that. I mean, nothing I would try to teach them about life and respect for nature could have been as effective as them seeing Daddy as Groot.”

Nature has very few role models in cinema.  We’ve certainly seen a major shift in environmental responsibly tackled in film-making efforts, but not since the short film adaptation of “The Giving Tree,” has the relationship between trees and man been illustrated so eloquently as it is in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY.

When discussing the character of Groot with Vin Diesel, it’s obvious from the expression on his face to the warmth in his demeanor that this is more than just a simple role in block-buster film.

“I never thought I’d be so proud of it,” Vin Diesel said.  “In some ways, Groot is nature’s ambassador, and there’s something beautiful about that.”

“Groot is nature’s ambassador, and there’s something beautiful about that.” – Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel feels movies should promote or provoke conversation.  Here at Rural Mom, we certainly agree.

Though GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY is an amazing sci-fi, comic book adventure, it’s a joy to see nature personified in such an endearing way, creating a sub-context that will truly leave a positive, heart-warming impression on audiences young and old.

“The innocence of the character is what’s so attractive,” said Vin Diesel.

To portray Groot, he went above and beyond, using stilts to understand what it is like to be seven-and-one-half-feet tall and taking his limited vocabulary in the film, very seriously.  The performance art aspect of the character appeals to him and Vin Diesel feels there is opportunity for the character to continue to evolve.

“To do this and to be able to share this with the little ones, and for them to be so excited about it and so proud of it, and to think of trees differently,” said Vin Diesel. “They will never look at a tree in the same way.  No one will, after this.”

Nature's New Ambassador: Interview with Vin Diesel aka "Groot" #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent
Groot groupies! Bloggers in attendance at the Vin Diesel interview (I’m second from the left in the back row.) 

For more information on GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY:

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY opens in theaters everywhere on August 1st!

Meet Groot:

Disclosure:  I received an exclusive trip courtesy of Disney to attend various events including an interview session with Vin Diesel.  I’m under no obligation to report anything other than my personal experience, thoughts and opinions.  

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
Food Waste and Freegans Infinite Potential In the World's Pocket - Inside Motorola


    • Frugal and Fun Mom
    • July 25, 2014

    OH I am in awe! That is so cool that you got to meet him. His character in the movie sounds really interesting, and can’t wait to see the film.

    • Stacey - Seattle Mom Blog
    • July 25, 2014

    Eek! I don’t know if I would have been able to handle being in the same room as him without fainting 🙂 I love every movie he has been in, and I am sure I’ll enjoy this one too!

      • Barb Webb
      • August 3, 2014

      Lol Stacey, there were certainly a few girls in the room who swooned! 🙂 You’ll love the movie, I’m sure, it’s awesome!

    • Jeannette
    • July 25, 2014

    Oh! I would have NEVER guess that was Vin Diesel! He is awesome and I can’t wait to check out this movie!

    • Kelsey Apley
    • July 25, 2014

    Oh how fun, I think he seems like such a great guy!!! What a fun role to play for him, since he has mostly done car movies! What a fun opportunity!

    • Tasha
    • July 25, 2014

    How awesome is that! You got to meet Vin Diesel! I’m jealous. He is such a down to earth guy, so good looking too! That smile! LOL! Looking forward to seeing this movie when it comes out!

      • Barb Webb
      • August 3, 2014

      He really is such a down-to-earth guy and totally the life of the party, I’m sure. He was a bundle of energy and so charming!

    • Linda Kinsman
    • July 25, 2014

    Your interview just changed my perception of Vin Diesel and of Guardians of the Galaxy. Since my husband is a big fan of Vin Diesel, I’ve watched his movies on our date nights. I figured this movie would be placed on our dvd rental wish list, but after reading how Vin Diesel talks about this role and the impact it had on his children and himself, I just may go see this on the big screen. Thank you for showing another side to this action movie star!

      • Barb Webb
      • August 3, 2014

      Oh, please do go see it on the big screen, Linda! You will not be disappointed! I’m glad I was able to bring this side of Vin Diesel to Rural Mom readers, too, after all, we are the tree-hugging bunch! 🙂

    • Grace Hodgin
    • July 25, 2014

    What a lovely account of this meeting and I love knowing he is so proud to represent the trees in nature. As a tree lover, I was moved by this mans spirit and his commitment to bringing the love of nature to his children and inspiring the world.

      • Barb Webb
      • August 3, 2014

      Thanks Grace! I am truly moved, too, that he has embraced and see the true depth of the character. Groot plays an amazing role in the movie and I hope he does inspire children everywhere to view nature in a different way.

    • Daisy B
    • July 25, 2014

    What a fun experience! I would love to meet him. It makes me like him even more hearing how awesome he is. He’s always in awesome movies! I can’t wait to see this.

    • Holly Zegalia
    • July 28, 2014

    I think the fact that Vin feels Groot is nature’s ambassador shows how into his role he was. Groot is something of a different nature and so was Vin.

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