Cooking at Le Cordon Bleu – Every Bite a New Journey

Cooking at Le Cordon Bleu - Every Bite a New Journey #100FootJourneyEvent
Beef Bourguignon Skewers

Italian sausage sizzling, onions and red peppers crackling, corn on the cob slowly heating atop foil-wrapped potatoes placed carefully atop the edges of the charcoal grill. Barbecuing was my father’s specialty and even now, every bite, every scent and sound of grilled food takes me right back to my childhood.

Last week, when I learned to make Parisian Mumbai Salad with marinated grilled chicken at Le Cordon Bleu Los Angeles, I created a new culinary memory, one with a burst of Indian and French cuisine tossed in! Now, each time I replicate this dish, I will find myself reliving the moments this amazing experience and my fondness for THE HUNDRED FOOT JOURNEY movie that led me there.

Cooking at Le Cordon Bleu - Every Bite a New Journey #100FootJourneyEvent
Kitchen classroom in Le Cordon Bleu Los Angeles

Entering the famed cooking school campus, I could feel the creativity emanate from every pot, pan, cutting board and gas burner in the building. Thousands of culinary triumphs have lined the counter tops, mountains of moments are steamed into the very fabric of the building. You are not just stepping into a classroom, you are stepping into the place where Béchamel sauces and Crème Brulee dreams spring to life daily.

After receiving a tour of the facility and a brief overview of the instructional programs, we were treated to some tasty treats including a Beef Bourguignon-inspired skewer and a delightful Quiche Lorraine.

Cooking at Le Cordon Bleu - Every Bite a New Journey #100FootJourneyEvent
Quiche Lorraine

(We’ve recently featured both of these recipes on Rural Mom as part of our #FoodieFridays series, be sure to add them to your recipe file!
Quiche Lorraine:
Beef Bourguignon a la Hassan

The highlight of the event, though, was the taste-bud tantalizing Parisian Mumbai Salad we learned to cook at Le Cordon Bleu.  (Stay tuned, I’ll be featuring this recipe in our upcoming #FoodieFriday!) 

Inspired by THE HUNDRED FOOT JOURNEY, the Parisian Mumbai Salad is a fusion of Indian and French cuisine.  Every bite of this amazing dish took me on a wild culinary journey, yet still had me finding the familiar tastes of home in the marinated grilled chicken.

Cooking at Le Cordon Bleu - Every Bite a New Journey #100FootJourneyEvent
Parisian Mumbai Salad

In THE HUNDRED FOOT JOURNEY food plays an important role, not just in the lives of the chefs who create culinary art.  Food is in essence part of the expression of the souls and the journeys of all the characters in the film.

If you are not familiar with this fabulous film that will hit the big screen August 8, be sure to check out the trailer below and mark your calendar to catch it opening day.  This is a must-see movie that will absolutely warm your heart and wet your appetite!

Having the chance to cook at Le Cordon Bleu made me feel even more connected to this amazing film.  Catching a glimpse of the training the aspiring chefs go through and the dedication to their craft was quite a thrill, and I truly feel richer for having this exceptional experience alongside some of my favorite blogging friends including Linda from, Lisa from, and Mitch from (pictured below.)

Cooking at Le Cordon Bleu - Every Bite a New Journey #100FootJourneyEvent
(Left to right) Linda, Lisa, Me and Mitch

What bites take you home?  Have you embarked on any new culinary adventures this summer? 

THE HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY is rated PG and arrives in theaters everywhere on August 8th!



Cooking at Le Cordon Bleu - Every Bite a New Journey #100FootJourneyEvent
Live cooking demonstration at Le Cordon Bleu

Disclosure:  I received an exclusive trip courtesy of Disney to attend various events including a tour and cooking session at Le Cordon Bleu.  I’m under no obligation to report anything other than my personal experience, thoughts and opinions. 

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Tags: kitchen
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
Saving Money and Tackling Teen Hygiene with the Walmart #SavingsCatcher Dishing Up Laughs with the Cast of Young & Hungry


    • Rachel @RunningRachel
    • July 29, 2014

    What a great experience! You r food looks delicious! 🙂

      • Barb Webb
      • August 3, 2014

      Thanks Rachel! Really is a fabulous dish!

    • LaVonne Long
    • July 29, 2014

    That quiche looks great! This summer I started making green smoothies and LOVE them. I am hooked.

      • Barb Webb
      • August 3, 2014

      Oh cool, smoothies are a wonderful summer treat, for sure!

    • Patty Woodland
    • July 29, 2014

    I’m excited for this movie. I would have loved to have seen the school as spending time in my kitchen is when I am happiest.

      • Barb Webb
      • August 3, 2014

      They have schools around the country, too, Patty. Check to see if there is a local spot and they likely have a few community events. The movie is awesome, do see it!

    • The Mom Jen
    • July 29, 2014

    What an amazing experience and the food looks so good and not something impossible to recreate!

      • Barb Webb
      • August 3, 2014

      Not at all, Jen, it’s really a simple recipe. Be sure to check it out on our Foodie Friday feature

    • Nicole Standley
    • July 29, 2014

    Now this looks like a very fun event! Probably my favorite Disney press event yet!

      • Barb Webb
      • August 3, 2014

      Have to agree, Nicole. The movies and stars and all the events are wonderful, but put me in a gourmet kitchen and I’m in total foodie heaven!

    • Daisy B
    • July 31, 2014

    I’ve enjoyed following along on your trip. The food looks amazing here. I’m also really excited to see this movie. It looks like it is going to be a good one.

      • Barb Webb
      • August 3, 2014

      Thanks Daisy! It’s an excellent movie, do make time to see it!

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