From Comic Book Collector to Star Lord – Interview with Chris Pratt aka Peter Quill

From Comic Book Collector to Star Lord - Interview with Chris Pratt aka Peter Quill #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent

Whether you are watching Chris Pratt play Peter Quill in Guardians of the Galaxy or chatting with the actor one-on-one, there is an undeniable endearing child-like spirit that radiates, lighting up the room or the big screen with an irresistible glow.

Pratt simply makes you want to smile and believe again that good always does trump evil.

Though initially resistant to the idea, it’s no wonder James Gunn cast Pratt in the role of Peter Quill (Star Lord) in Guardians of the Galaxy.  He had to have seen this inner radiance Pratt emanates, this core glow that morphs a regular guy to super hero status on screen and off.

As a child who once spent three-hundred-dollars in bingo winnings on comic books, the transition to the man who now rests in the shoes of the rag-tag comic book hero, Star Lord, is not a huge leap.

“I loved the artistry.  I loved the, the characters the physicality of the heroes,” said Pratt. “I was always drawing comic book heroes…for me the stories weren’t what grabbed me, it was the covers and it was the cool art on the inside and the outside.”

Ghost Rider, Bart Man, Richie Rich, Spider Man, X-Men, Wolverine and Punisher comics are among those Pratt collected and revered in his youth.

“And I had a big stack of Conan I think it was the Samarian or something. They were really sexy,” said Pratt. “I remember, I was like a kid, they were like- they were kind of like the closest thing I had to smut.”

From Comic Book Collector to Star Lord - Interview with Chris Pratt aka Peter Quill #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent

As someone who has struggled with fluctuation in weight and overall fitness, getting in shape to portray the super hero physicality he admired as a child proved challenging.  Pratt has a healthy sense of humor about his diet roller coaster and real-world struggles to reach a fitness pinnacle.  He used the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack during workouts and found that the beat from “O-O-H Child,” by The Five Stairsteps perfectly matched his running steps.

“For me when I’m running, I need to match my feet to the music,” said Pratt. “So I can forget how terrible it is that I’m running.”

The training for the fights scenes in Guardians of the Galaxy proved particularly intense for Pratt.

“We would learn a fight scene for a couple of weeks and then it would end up changing, and we’d learn it again,” said Pratt.  “I secretly think it was like a way for them to get me to lose even more weight.  They’re like ‘Hey, Chris, even more stunt rehearsal, can you believe it?  This stunt is you running on a treadmill.'”

From Comic Book Collector to Star Lord - Interview with Chris Pratt aka Peter Quill #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent

Pratt’s hard word certainly paid off, audiences will quickly be enamored with his chiseled physique when Guardians of the Galaxy opens in theaters August 1.  From the physicality of the character to the humanity, Pratt truly owns the role of Star Lord.

Reality of the super hero and sci-fi magnitude of the film sunk in for Pratt during the first day of filming, which took place on the oceanic planet of Morag.

“I was wearing Quill’s long jacket for the first time,” said Pratt. “I’m running, there’s a wind blowing like probably sixty-seven miles an hour, rain machines, guys are shooting real water from real ponds hundreds of feet up in the air.  And we’re on an outdoor set that’s probably a hundred-and-fifty-yards long and a hundred-and-fifty yards wide.  There’s an element of green screen around the entire horizon, but on the inside it was like a sea had just drained out and revealed this city that had been underwater for ten-thousand years.  I was the moment where I thought, holy crap.  This is happening, I’m on this move and it’s going to be epic.”

From Comic Book Collector to Star Lord - Interview with Chris Pratt aka Peter Quill #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent

Pratt takes his role as an iconic hero seriously, realizing he is now in a position to be a live action comic book hero to a new generation.

“To me, that is the greatest part of all this.  I remember pretending to be Han Solo in my backyard, or pretending to be Indiana Jones or Luke Skywalker as a kid.  Comic books and storytelling of this magnitude is what really helped me cultivate my imagination as a young kid,” said Pratt.

“To think that kids are going to be out and they’re going to watch this and they’re going to feel that way. I’ve been Googling synonyms for ‘surreal’ just to try to help me explain what it feels like.”

Whatever Pratt will ultimately feel when Guardians of the Galaxy hits the big screen, there’s little doubt that a slew of young comic book fans who will have a deep-down desire to mimic his core radiance.

One certainty – Chris Pratt aka Star Lord makes it easy to believe in super heroes on screen and off.  No doubt, we’ll soon see a rash of Star Lord costumes on display in the coming Halloween parade of trick-or-treaters and piles of Peter Quill action figures under Christmas trees around the globe. As there, rightfully, should be.

From Comic Book Collector to Star Lord - Interview with Chris Pratt aka Peter Quill #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent
Bloggers in attendance at the Chris Pratt interview (I’m second from the left side of Chris Pratt, in the back row.) 

For more information on GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY:

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY opens in theaters everywhere on August 1st!
Disclosure:  I received an exclusive trip courtesy of Disney to attend various events including an interview session with Chris Pratt.  I’m under no obligation to report anything other than my personal experience, thoughts and opinions.  


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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
Infinite Potential In the World's Pocket - Inside Motorola Saving Money and Tackling Teen Hygiene with the Walmart #SavingsCatcher


    • Daisy B
    • July 28, 2014

    I would be star struck if I got to meet Chris Pratt! I’m looking forward to seeing this soon.

      • Barb Webb
      • August 3, 2014

      I thought I would be, but he makes it hard to be star-struck around him as he’s such a genuine, down-to-earth funny guy. It’s an amazing movie!

    • Holly Zegalia
    • July 28, 2014

    Great title! It really was a shock to know just how into comic books Chris Pratt was.

      • Barb Webb
      • August 3, 2014

      Thanks Holly! 🙂 It was quite fascinating to me, too. Glad we got to share the experience!

    • Frugal and Fun Mom
    • July 28, 2014

    I have to agree, I would totally be star struck if I met him. I think it is so neat how he has transformed in to a heart throb. I remember him when he first showed up on the show “Parks and Recreation”.

      • Barb Webb
      • August 3, 2014

      His transformation is wild, isn’t it? But he’s still that same huggable guy, which is really cool.

    • Tough Cookie Mommy
    • July 28, 2014

    I never get nervous when I meet stars. As a matter of fact, I am intrigued by how normal they are. We expect them to be larger than life.

      • Barb Webb
      • August 3, 2014

      I feel the same way, Maria. Very few celebrities make me nervous in their presence. The are certainly excellent at their craft, but after all, they are just people like you and me. 🙂

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