Kitchen Spring Cleaning Tips and a Checklist

Kitchen spring cleaning can be an overwhelming job. Basics like cleaning the oven are pretty simple. However, when you add washing out the cabinets and vacuuming behind the refrigerator it can be an all day job.

This handy checklist will help you get started. The tips will help you take care of the job in less than two hours:

* Dust ceiling fan
* Dust tops of cabinets if they don’t reach the ceiling
* Dust corners of walls
* Dust top of refrigerator
* Launder curtains or dust window treatments
* Dust any knick knacks, counter top appliances and pictures on display
* Wash walls and switch plates with mild detergent
* Wash cabinet fronts
* Clean oven. If using a self cleaning oven, spray and set.
* Vacuum behind the appliances
* Vacuum the area rugs or toss in washing machine
* Mop floors
* Wash windows and appliance fronts
* Scour the top of the oven/stovetop
* Clean the inside of your refrigerator (Toss any old food. Remove one shelf/drawer at a time and wash down with mild detergent)
* Clean inside small appliances ex, toaster and microwave
* Wipe down shelves and inside the cabinets
* Drawer by drawer, remove items and wipe down. Replace items and organize as you go
* Wash the counter tops, sink and faucets
* Clean out and organize your pantry. Wipe down shelves as you go. Label to keep items organized and easily identified.


#1 Group like tasks. For example, when you have your bucket of mild detergent and damp cloth, wash walls, outside of all cabinets and shelves.

#2 Gather all of your supplies before you begin cleaning. Make sure you have everything you need so you don’t have to stop.

#3 Get a label maker. It’s great for identifying areas in your cupboards or labelling jars of pantry items.

#4 Make it fun. Listen to music. Open the windows and let in the fresh air. Use cleaners that you like and smell great.

#5 Use natural cleaners. Eco friendly cleaners won’t irritate your head, lungs and sinus cavities. You’ll feel better during and after your cleaning adventure. Additionally, they smell great. Choose a scent that makes you feel good.

#6 Reward yourself for a job well done. Go out to eat (so you don’t mess up your clean kitchen) or prepare your favorite meal.

#7 Pay attention to the clock. Consider giving yourself a specific amount of time to get the job done. This will help you work efficiently.

Spring cleaning your kitchen doesn’t have to overwhelm. Create a checklist and make sure you have everything you need before you start. Make it fun and spring cleaning can be something you look forward to each year!

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • Rachel's Giveaways
    • March 11, 2011

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    • Barb Webb
    • March 11, 2011

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    • Elizabeth
    • April 15, 2013

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    Happy blogging and nice to “meet” you!

    • Melanie
    • April 20, 2013

    Loved your kitchen cleaning tips… thanks for sharing… my favorite cleaner is a bottle of hot water, 1/2 cup of vinegar and 2 teaspoons of dish soap… BEST cleaner EVER!!!! for everything and anything….oh and cheap….

    • cleaning companies in Gloucester
    • May 27, 2013

    Kitchen is that area in which a lady spend most of the time. she always wants her kitchen to be look beautiful clean. Since I have read your blog I follow the tips as you said, it helped me a lot in maintaining hygiene. I came back, just to thank you. 🙂

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