Money Saving, Hypoallergenic, Eco-Friendly Laundry Solution – Robby Wash Ball

Robby Laundry Wash Ball

Most weeks, I feel like I spend more time in the laundry room than any other room in the house.  With two pre-teens, a mechanically adept husband, sports, outdoor activities, gardening and so on… the stacks of dirty duds keep piling sky high!

Naturally, minimizing the cost of laundry detergent, keeping energy bills down, and reducing my eco footprint are all constant challenges.

Using cold water, switching to an eco-friendly detergent, stocking up on deals for detergent, eliminating dryer sheets, and washing larger loads has helped make a dent in all three areas but I still have plenty of room for improvement, particularly with cost savings.

When I first heard of the Robby Laundry Wash Ball, I was intrigued with the potential savings aspect, though admittedly skeptic that this little wash ball would be as effective as my current product.  But, for a promise of amazing savings on laundry (using the Robby Wash Ball costs less than 25 cents per load) and eco-friendly features that lessen environmental impact, I put it at the top of my “must-try” list.

It only took one load of laundry to wash away all skepticism – this clever little, environmentally friendly gadget absolutely gets the job done!

Robby Laundry Wash Ball in Laundry

I chose to tackle a load of towels first (for obvious reasons I wouldn’t be as upset if things went awry,) to put the Robby Wash Ball to the test.  There’s really nothing to it, the ball arrives pre-packed for use and you simply remove the packing material, toss it in with your clothing, and set the wash as you normally would.

Robby Wash Ball uses a unique and patented worldwide technology to clean, which I do not profess to fully understand.  Basically, its activated macromolecules are gradually released through the wash that generate ions to activate and remove stains as the motion of the drum agitates the clothes.  While I may not fully understand the science behind it, the effectiveness is clear.  My test load of laundry (and every load thereafter) had a nice, light fresh scent of clean and no visible signs of dirt or stains.


Folded Towels

After a quick run in the dryer, my towels were fluffed, clean, static-free, and fresh smelling with a very subtle clean scent.  The whites were very white and the colors vibrant (as pictured.) I am totally sold on the effectiveness of this amazing product!

My one and only hang-up with the Robby Wash Ball is that it needs to dry between washings to be 100 percent effective.  First, I had to figure out a good place to dry it, which wasn’t terribly difficult: I simply place it atop the softener opening on my wash machine (see picture below.)  

Robby Laundry Wash Ball in Washing Machine


Second, I had to figure out a new wash schedule.  As I often have several loads of laundry to get through in a day, my preference was to do them one after the other.  Right now, I’ve adjusted to completing one load at a time throughout the day (which is really not that difficult of an adjustment) but I think my ultimate solution will be to purchase a second ball so that I can alternate them.

Overall, I’m truly impressed with the effective clean the Robby Wash Ball provides.  In fact, I’ll go as far as saying it’s more effective than the traditional cleaner I was using and leaves a much more fresh, pleasant scent in the laundry items.

I cannot attest yet to whether the Robby Wash Ball kit cleans for the average of a 12 month period (as suggested by the manufacturer,) but I have been using it for a month now and have not had to use a refill package yet (the kit comes with 3 refill packets) and the ball still looks and preforms as if it were brand new.

The Robby Wash Ball kit retails for $32.95 (ARV.) If, indeed, it holds up for even a six month period of laundry, it offers tremendous savings (less than $5.50 per month in laundry detergent cost,) and a big dent in my eco footprint.  A total win-win in my clothes washing book!

Diclosure: A Robby Wash Ball was received for review purposes.  All thoughts and opinions are solely that of Rural Mom

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • Crystal Threeprncs
    • January 29, 2013

    Wow, I had no idea it actually washed the close. I thought it was more of a fabric softener type thing. I will be looking into this, thanks!

    • Grace Hodgin
    • January 29, 2013

    This looks like a fun and great way to do laundry. I love it is reducing eco footprints!

    • Melanie
    • January 31, 2013

    I love this little gadget, it works great. been using mine for over a year now and still going strong…. glad you liked it, too

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