Take Time During the Holidays to Refresh your Mind, Body and Treat Your Pets with HealthWorks!

Right about now you are likely neck deep in holiday prep, which compiled with all the other day-to-day responsibilities we have can certainly lead to one stressed out mom! During this time, it’s extra important to take care of your health and wellness needs and the HealthWorks (formerly Real Food Grocery,) has some terrific solutions and special discounts to help refresh your mind and body during the busy holiday season… and even treats to pamper your pets!

Taking time out to tend to our faithful companions is known to reduce your stress levels and is certainly a great way to remember to include them in your holiday celebrations.

Fruitables and The Gift For Life
Be sure to take time to treat your pets, too, during the holiday season.

HealthWorks is a veteran owned and operated family business whose mission is to provide the highest quality healthy nutritional products at very competitive pricing. They carry a vast line of irresistible products including these seven uber healthy, delightful goodies that will help brighten your mood (and your pets!) and refresh your holidays:

1. TWIST 25 DHEA SUPPLEMENT CREAM: Research shows that the level of DHEA in a person’s blood is an excellent predictor not only of age-related health problems but also of aging itself as defined by energy levels and quality of life. People over age 35 using Twist 25 DHEA cream report they have more energy, handle stress more easily, think more clearly, and generally feel better. Other benefits include stronger resistance to colds and flu, feeling leaner and fitter, having softer skin, more sex drive, and sleeping better at night. (Definitely a top product to try!)

2. GLUC-ALOE: High blood sugar is a growing concern. This all-natural supplement is clinically proven to assist in normalizing blood sugar. The benefits of Gluc-aloe™ include: supporting healthy weight management, helping maintain healthy digestion, aiding in the assimilation of nutrients and supporting cell detoxification.

3. DR OHHIRA’S PROBIOTIC KAMPUKU BEAUTY BAR: Formulated by the award-winning microbiologist, Dr. Ohhira, this beauty and revitalizing probiotic soap contains healing plant extracts fermented with probiotics. Coconut oil, with known antimicrobial activity provides purifying power and health benefits. Contains no fragrances, stabilizers, deodorants, preservatives, chemicals or artificial colors. Experience improved skin health as this gentle bar cleanses, feeds, heals, moisturizes, conditions and protects. (This soap has a wonderful scent, too and leaves skin very soft.) 

4. CARDIOL: This popular nutritional supplement has a unique mixture of herbs and nutrients that helps lower cholesterol levels as well as support overall cardiac health. This Omega-3 fish oil has received the highest 5-star rating from the International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS) board certifying its purity and lack of contaminants. (And I’ve found that it has no “fish” burp after effect – a very important feature!)


5. THE GIFT FOR LIFE: Help your pets return to a more youthful balance with this safe and effective anti-aging product for dogs and cats. Your pets will love this product as a treat and your reward will be a renewed bounce in their step, a return of the sparkle in their eyes, a normalized appetite and a shinier healthier coat. (We have Great Pyrenees and they often struggle with vitality.  I’m really happy to be able to provide them this gift this holiday.)

6. LILY OF THE DESERT ALOE VERA GELLY: This outstanding Aloe Vera Gelly provides amazing benefits to the skin and body. The natural formula contains 99% aloe vera to soothe the skin, improves the skin’s ability to hydrate and protect itself, and provides relief from numerous types of skin irritation. (It also works wonders on burns as we recently found out when my hubby had a mishap with the stove element- a true blessing that we had this on hand!)

7. FRUITABLES DOG TREATS — 3 Delicious Flavors: Discover the amazing health benefits from this natural and organic Superfoods. Rich in Antioxidants, Vitamins A, C, and E… our fruits and vegetables are selected as much for their advanced nutritional benefits as their taste. Superfoods can help your dog live a healthier, fitter, and longer life. These advanced nutritional treats utilize nature’s gifts of fruits and vegetables to balance palatability, calorie control, and satiety in foods that your pet will love. Fruitables Dog Treats are proven in university studies to reduce hunger between meals. Our three featured flavored treats are: Pumpkin and Blueberry, Pumpkin and Apple, and Pumpkin and Cranberry. (My goodness, these smell so good, it’s hard to believe they are dog treats, which makes me love them all the more.  Giving our dogs the gift of natural foods is always desirable.)

Be sure take time to refresh your mind and body this month.  You’ll find special deals to help refresh your wallet, too, at https://www.facebook.com/RealFoodGrocery

Disclosure:  Product was received for review/article purposes.  All thoughts and opinions are that of Rural Mom. 

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
Hot Toys for 2012: Sandzini On the 8th Day of Rural Book Gifting: See Mix Drink


    • Pat
    • December 8, 2012

    I would love to find something to help my senior rat terrier enjoy his life more.

    • Pat
    • December 8, 2012

    I would love to find something to help my senior rat terrier enjoy his life more.

    • Karen
    • December 9, 2012

    I’d love to find a natural product to help with ear infections in our yellow lab.

    ktgonyea at gmail.com

    • Sarah S
    • December 9, 2012

    Natural Calm Anti Stress Drink-8oz. s2inamug at aim dot com

    • Jennifer M.
    • December 9, 2012

    Breathless Plaque-zappers for our dogs.

    • Grace Hodgin
    • December 15, 2012

    What a nice variety of products and it would be hard to choose. We don’t have a dog anymore but if I did I’d get the plaque zappers

    • Beth Larrabee
    • December 15, 2012

    Raspberry Ketones

    • Pam
    • December 15, 2012

    THe fruitables treats for dogs would be great!

    • Jennafer211
    • December 21, 2012

    My two girls have a severe fear of loud noises, especially firework, so I would like the Rescue Rememdy. Thank you!

    • M.A.D.
    • December 21, 2012

    zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com

    My sweet kitty is very nervous with loud noises – fireworks, thunder, etc – I’d love to find a healthy, natural product to help calm her <3

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