I recently read a short feature in Town & Country magazine about women who have chosen to let nature take its course and “go gray.”
Now, I had a few difficulties with this article, first of all likely being that I’m reading Town & Country and I’m more of a Rural Annie (aka some trouble relating to the lifestyle) but secondary, I struggle with the ideas presented that men and woman in society, alike, still frown upon a woman’s choice to not color her hair.
Are we really still so steeped in the dark ages and our definition of beauty that we cannot accept natural rather than bottled color?
When I was younger, I chose to color my hair, mainly for the “fun” of it or to reverse the lightening effects of too much time spent in the sun.
A few years ago, I stopped completely. Truly never very fond of the process, I simply decided I’m appreciative of what I’m blessed with and wasn’t interested in hassling with dyes for temporary aid.
It didn’t take long for me to notice that more and more grays began to join the party of hair on my head. I’m at the point where they still look like highlights, but I’m okay with accepting and embracing when the grays begin to cluster and make their presence more prominent.
Now… if I buy into the sentiment of what the article suggests society has… will I endure pitying looks from other women who may think I’m either too lazy to color my hair or just a poor little country mouse who just doesn’t know any better?
Will I be thought of as unattractive? Overly mature? Matronly?
Will I care? (I doubt it, but it’s a curious thought.)
My grandmother and my mother have lovely hair that is naturally white, peppered with light grays. To me, these women are vibrant and beautiful, and I have not encountered anyone who suggested otherwise… or said something to the effect of “if only your mom would color her hair.”
I’d be stunned if a man their age (or even my age) suggested that they were not attractive because they did not dye their hair… in fact, I’d likely suggest to these men that they go take a look in the mirror before passing judgement…
And I don’t think I’m alone in my thoughts of believing that the gifts that God (or whatever higher power you believe in) gives us, are the most beautiful of all.
Do you think men find women with gray hair less attractive?
Do women find women with gray hair less attractive?
What are your thoughts?
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Sounds very interesting! I will check this out! gray hair
At the age of 52 I decided to cut and stop coloring my long brown hair. I now sport the “Jaime Lee Curtis” style. It was a huge change. The bad: lost a little bit of my identity as a “flower child,” I get hit on by more women than men. The good: it’s a rite of passage! I’ve joined a group who says what’s on their mind, I’ve yet to be mistaken for my husbands mother, I get hit on by more women than men!!!! Neither bad nor good, really, just statin’ the facts!