Top 5 Healthy Weight Loss Tips from Dr. Susan Lark

Rural Mom is pleased to welcome Dr. Susan Lark, a leading authority in the field of women’s medicine and well respected health advocate, who knows how difficult it is for women to lose weight. That’s why she’s offering her “Top 5 Healthy Weight Loss Tips” to help us out with our New Year’s resolutions:

Increase your intake of metabolism-boosting foods: Boost your metabolism by consuming raw almonds, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), whole grains (like quinoa, amaranth, brown rice and buckwheat), cold-water fish (such as wild salmon, tuna and mackerel) and green tea.

Avoid fad diets, and dieting overall, and stick to a Mediterranean-type eating plan. The Mediterranean “diet” is abundant in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, dried beans, nuts, onions, garlic, fresh herbs, olives, olive oil, fish and poultry. With this plan you won’t feel deprived and your health will dramatically improve, with significant weight loss as a wonderful side effect.

Curb cravings with saffron: Saffron affects certain brain chemicals causing an increase in fullness and satisfaction, blunting the triggers of emotional eating and promoting the loss of both fat and weight.

Walk – it’s the best aerobic exercise for everyone. Brisk walking at the same pace as an average jogger is a significantly better workout than jogging as it burns more energy, consumes more oxygen and results in higher heart rates without jarring the joints.

Gain muscle by lifting weights. Unfortunately, women progressively lose muscle and gain fat mass as they get older. Incorporating strength training into a workout routine will help retrieve lost muscle mass while also improving bone density. Plus, as muscle burns more calories than fat, muscle aids in weight loss.


Healthy Directions, LLC, a leading health publisher and provider of proprietary, doctor-formulated nutritional supplements, has launched its newest product, Slim Select™, a healthy, natural appetite control and weight loss formula for women developed by Dr. Susan Lark.

Slim Select™ includes Dr. Susan Lark’s recommended amount of chromium, an essential trace mineral that helps the body properly metabolize proteins, carbohydrates and fat and increases insulin sensitivity to promote steady blood sugar levels and reduce food cravings.

A three time winner of the American Medical Association’s Physician’s Recognition Award and top selling author of more than 12 books on women’s health, Dr. Susan Lark’s mission is to help women live longer, healthier and more vibrant lives with step-by-step guidance on natural remedies, lifestyle changes and nutritional supplementation.

For more information on Slim Select™ and for additional weight loss information, visit

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • Green Coffee Tablets
    • March 26, 2014

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    • rosewood
    • February 5, 2015

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