Shaklee Cinch Inch Loss Plan – How Do the Products Taste?

After a week of using the Shaklee Cinch Inch Loss Plan Starker Kit, I’ve lost 3 pounds.  That’s no easy task for a gal who has hypothyroidism, so of course, I’m estatic to have such a nice jump on my health goals this year.

Primarily I’m interested in modifying my eating habits to continue towards a quest for a healthier (and thinner) me.  The Cinch Inch Loss Plan has proven to be a terrific stepping stone that I will keep using throughout the next week.

However… and I know this is top of mind for anyone interested in a weight loss plan:  Once you get past asking “does it work?”, the real question is “how do the products taste?”  Because really, we all know if it doesn’t taste good, it’s tough to stick with.

Included with the Cinch Inch Loss Plan Starter Kit are the Cinch Chocolate Shake Mix, Cinch Vanilla Shake Mix, Cinch Energy Tea Mix (unsweetened,) and Cinch Snack Bars in Chocolate Decadence, Lemon Cranberry, and Peanut Butter Crunch.  Below you’ll find my opinion on each.  Meal-in-a-Bar options are available along with other shake and tea flavors, but I have yet to sample those.

Cinch Chocolate Shake Mix:  If you like chocolate, this one’s for you- it’s jam packed with chocolately goodness- very easy on the tastebuds!  Not too thick and though it’s full of protein and other weight loss helpers, there’s no unpleasant after-taste, just a nice chocolate flavor.  I have no problem, nor complaints adding this to my daily routine.

Cinch Vanilla Shake Mix:  I’m not as fond of this shake, though it’s good, by my taste-buds, it’s not as high-ranking as the Cinch Chocolate Shake Mix.  However, I’ve found that by adding allowable ingredients from the diet plan such as coffee or bananas, I’ve grown a lot, lot fonder of the Cinch Vanilla Shake Mix.  If you enjoy vanilla shakes, you’ll enjoy this one… and if not, there are multiple options to jazz it up a bit and tweak the taste to suite you.  Again, no unpleasant after-taste, either.

Cinch Energy Tea Mix (unsweetened):  I flat out love this stuff! As a life-long unsweet tea fan (yes, I’m a Southern transplant- lest you be shocked too much! Ha ha!) – I’ve tried my share of unsweet mixes and brews and count this among the better ones I’ve tasted.  I could easily get used to using this all the time.  The natural energy boosters in Cinch Energy Tea Mix are also quite nice.  I get a lift from them and just simply from the sheer enjoyment of enjoying a glass.

Cinch Snack Bars in Chocolate Decadence, Lemon Cranberry, and Peanut Butter Crunch.  On par with other popular weight loss/healthy snack bars, each of these holds up to their labels delivering a satisfying snack and burst of good flavor.  My favorite is the Peanut Butter Crunch which does not taste like it should be good for me at all, giving me all the more reason to love it.  No problems adding these into a diet routine. 

Overall, I’m impressed with the quality and range of flavors in the Cinch Inch Loss Plan.  There’s enough variety to keep things interesting and enough taste enjoyment to make it pleasurable to incorporate the products in to my daily diet.  Double thumbs up to Shaklee for creating a tasty product!

If you are interested in learning more about Cinch, visit

Disclosure: I have received sample product and information from Shaklee. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • Weight Loss Product Reviews
    • January 18, 2012

    I have been reading about this weight loss plan, haven’t been able to talk to anyone on it though to really hear how it has worked for them. Look forward to reading more on your journey and results. Thanks for sharing.

    • Health-Connection
    • January 19, 2012

    Thanks for your review!! I LOVE Cinch 🙂 Let me know if you need any help with the plan! Sorry if this is posting double, I got an error message 1st time.

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