Ideas for Homemade Mother’s Day Gifts

Every year, my children seem to come up with a clever idea for a Mother’s Day gift (no doubt with a little help from rural hubby,) but what I love the most are the hand-crafted cards, pictures- items that you appreciate both for the time and for the love that is wrapped up in your gift.

Hopefully, some of these ideas will inspire you to craft a handmade gift or to help a child make a precious gift for the mom(s) in their life.

Photo Cube. There aren’t many Moms who don’t enjoy pictures of their children. Why not find a clear box and put photos inside to make a photo cube? Mom will love the pictures and having them inside a clear box will protect them. When she wants a different picture, she can flip the cube to see a different smiling face.

Coupon Book. Depending on how old the children in your family are, consider making a Mother’s Day coupon book. This could be especially helpful if there are teens in the family. They could include coupons for taking younger siblings to play dates or practices; they could also provide babysitting services so Mom and Dad can go out. Younger children can include coupons for doing dishes, cleaning up their room or taking out the garbage. The options are endless.

Jewelry.  Beaded safety pins can make fun jewelry for Mom to wear on Mother’s Day and other days during the year. These pins are made using special safety pins and beads in various colors. You can find patterns for beaded safety pin jewelry online or in craft magazines or books.

Bath Salts.  Bath salts are something many moms enjoy because they make the skin feel smooth and soft. Buy a box of Epsom salt; add non-staining food coloring and essential oils to create bath salts with your mom’s favorite scents. You can also add a drop or two of your mom’s favorite cologne or perfume. Of course, you’ll also want to make sure Mom has the time she needs to take a relaxing bath and enjoy using the bath salts you make.

Florals.  Think about what Mom enjoys. If she loves plants or flowers, buy a terracotta pot and paint it. You can place a plant in the pot or use it as a container for candy which has been wrapped in color cellophane and green chenille stems.

Music.  There are many websites where you can find free or very inexpensive music. Create a compact disk of Mom’s favorite music. Think about what music was popular when she was younger and she’ll love having them available in one place.

Vase.  Using craft sticks or twigs from your yard, you can make a vase or pencil holder for her desk. Start out with a clean, empty can and glue the craft sticks or twigs onto it. Tie a raffia or fabric ribbon on the can to both keep the sticks on the can and add a decorative touch.

Message Board.  Create a homemade message board. Find an old picture with a frame. Take the picture out, cover it with fabric and stretch ribbon from one side to the other to create diamonds. Staple the ribbon around the edges and place it back into the frame. When it is hung up, Mom can place notes or pictures on it so she can keep track of things that are important.

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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