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4 Ways to Enhance Your Child’s Education

April 20, 2023

We’d all love our kids to spend their young years doing nothing other than playing and exploring the world. But we all know that education is important. It’s probably the primary factor that’ll determine their long-term success in adulthood. And as such, it should be made a priority. This importance means that we have to […]


Why Move to the Country?

April 18, 2023

Some people love the idea of moving, but other people hate the idea of having to pack everything and go to a new area. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live away from everything convenient? You’re probably not alone. Rural locations often offer higher salaries and quieter working conditions, but you […]


Working Abroad: Four Tips for a Smooth Transition

April 17, 2023

If you’ve ever thought about taking the plunge and working abroad, you likely have a lot of questions – and rightly so. Working overseas may bring exciting experiences, but it also presents challenges that domestic job seekers rarely encounter. So before you embark on your international job search, it pays to be well-informed about all […]


The Importance of Telehealth in Rural Nursing Practice

April 12, 2023

Telehealth is the use of technology to provide healthcare services remotely. It has become an increasingly important tool for rural nursing practice. According to statistics, over 60 million Americans live in rural areas, but only 10% of physicians practice there. This inadequate healthcare access delays diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care, resulting in poorer health outcomes […]

Home and Hearth SUSTAIN

9 Tips To Get Your Backyard Prepared For Summer

April 12, 2023

Summertime is the ideal time to enjoy your backyard. But before you can sit back and soak up some rays, there are a few tasks you need to accomplish first. From prepping the garden to making sure all of your outdoor furniture is in top condition; whatever they may be, make sure everything is ready […]

Home and Hearth SUSTAIN

Signs That Your Home Is Aging and What You Can Do To Stop It

April 12, 2023

Homes tend to age just like we do. Leave a home for too many years without renovating it and the cracks will start to show. For example, you might notice paint peeling around your home, your water fixtures might be leaking, or your lawn could be overgrown and taking over the driveway. These are things […]

Gardening SUSTAIN

10 Fun Vegetables and Flowers to Plant on Easter Weekend

April 8, 2023

As Easter approaches, many people are looking for fun and creative ways to celebrate the holiday. One great way to do this is by planting a garden full of colorful flowers and delicious vegetables. Here are 10 fun vegetables and flowers to plant on Easter weekend. Easter Egg Radishes: These colorful radishes come in a […]

Home and Hearth SUSTAIN

Outdoor Maintenance Tasks to Get Some Help With

April 7, 2023

When it comes to running your home, there’s always going to be a multitude of tasks that you need to get through every single day, week, month, and year. It can be a lot! And as much as you may feel pride in handling all outdoor maintenance tasks on your own, sometimes, it is best […]

Gardening SUSTAIN

Keeping Your Garden Shed Cool This Summer

April 5, 2023

Summer is approaching even if Spring is a little far behind this year, which means your thoughts may have turned to the garden and how you can keep your plants and flowers going over the season. One of the best things that you can do is to make sure that you have a garden shed […]


4 Ways We Can Help Our Children With Body Image Concerns

March 31, 2023

If your child is approaching their teenage years or is starting to feel self-conscious, there are a lot of things that won’t just feel like challenges for them. They may be overwhelmed with changes. If your child is starting to show concerns with their body image, it’s important to consider some of the following tips.  […]


To DIY or Not To DIY? When to Call in the Professionals

March 31, 2023

When it comes to how safe it is to live in your home, the last thing you want is to know your house can pose a threat to you and everyone living in it. However, over time, the structure and internal fittings and fixtures can be at risk of wear and tear or damage. They […]


How to Embrace the Charm of Your Rustic Country Property

March 31, 2023

Rustic living isn’t for everyone. But if you’re the sort of person who loves going out and doing your own thing on land you own, then coming to terms with it is essential. It should feel natural.  If it doesn’t, though, that’s okay. This post takes a look at how to embrace the rustic charm […]