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Home and Hearth SUSTAIN

Outdoor Maintenance Tasks to Get Some Help With

April 7, 2023

When it comes to running your home, there’s always going to be a multitude of tasks that you need to get through every single day, week, month, and year. It can be a lot! And as much as you may feel pride in handling all outdoor maintenance tasks on your own, sometimes, it is best […]

Gardening SUSTAIN

Keeping Your Garden Shed Cool This Summer

April 5, 2023

Summer is approaching even if Spring is a little far behind this year, which means your thoughts may have turned to the garden and how you can keep your plants and flowers going over the season. One of the best things that you can do is to make sure that you have a garden shed […]


4 Ways We Can Help Our Children With Body Image Concerns

March 31, 2023

If your child is approaching their teenage years or is starting to feel self-conscious, there are a lot of things that won’t just feel like challenges for them. They may be overwhelmed with changes. If your child is starting to show concerns with their body image, it’s important to consider some of the following tips.  […]


To DIY or Not To DIY? When to Call in the Professionals

March 31, 2023

When it comes to how safe it is to live in your home, the last thing you want is to know your house can pose a threat to you and everyone living in it. However, over time, the structure and internal fittings and fixtures can be at risk of wear and tear or damage. They […]


How to Embrace the Charm of Your Rustic Country Property

March 31, 2023

Rustic living isn’t for everyone. But if you’re the sort of person who loves going out and doing your own thing on land you own, then coming to terms with it is essential. It should feel natural.  If it doesn’t, though, that’s okay. This post takes a look at how to embrace the rustic charm […]


Ten Ways To Boost Curb Appeal and Why You’d Want To Do It

March 28, 2023

When you first purchased your home, it probably had a fairly good curb appeal. That’s likely because it was designed that way to attract you to the property. It’s a tactic that many property developers use these days; make the outside of the home look appealing so that you’re more likely to take a look […]

Gardening SUSTAIN

What Edible Flowers Should I Grow?

March 23, 2023

Edible flowers are a wonderfully imaginative and inexpensive way to add some punch to your next party. There are a variety of flowers that can be eaten, and not only do they add beauty to your meal, they really enhance the taste. Here’s a few common varieties that are great to start with: Nasturtium This […]


Empty Nesting, What’s Next?

March 22, 2023

You’ve raised your children, watched them grow, and helped them navigate life’s challenges. Now, they’ve flown the coop, leaving you with an empty nest. While this can be a bittersweet moment, it’s also an opportunity for you to embrace the next chapter of your life. As a parent, it can be tough to watch your […]


Easter Morning Cinnamon Roll Recipe

March 21, 2023

Easter is a time for indulging in sweet treats, and what better way to celebrate the season than with a batch of warm and fluffy cinnamon rolls? This recipe is a twist on the classic cinnamon roll recipe, with the addition of Easter-themed ingredients like raisins and orange zest. Ingredients: 4 cups all-purpose flour 1/4 […]


Tips For Taking Care Of Your Hearing Health

March 21, 2023

Did you know that approximately 10.7 million people aged 12 and above have moderate hearing loss?  While you may be more vulnerable to these struggles as you get older, the prevalence of hearing loss across all generations makes clear the importance of taking care of your hearing health sooner rather than later. After all, by […]


Thinking of Getting Hearing Aids? Here Are Some Important Factors To Consider

March 20, 2023

As we get older, it’s natural for our senses to slowly get worse over time. While there are ways to prevent conditions such as hearing loss, it’s important to embrace the fact that we’ll eventually lose some of our hearing. It’s not something we can control completely, but we can find ways to mitigate the […]


5 of the Best Teas to Enjoy at Easter

March 18, 2023

As Easter approaches, you’re likely looking forward to celebrating with family and friends. While Easter is often associated with chocolate and candy, it’s also a great time to enjoy a cup of tea. There are many different types of tea to enjoy during this holiday. Each has its own unique flavor and aroma. Let’s explore […]