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3 Essential Devices That Promote Independence For Seniors

January 24, 2023

Technology has proven beneficial in many ways, helping to make processes easier and more convenient. It has impacted various aspects of life, including everyday tasks. As people age, technology can play an important role in helping them to maintain their independence and improve their quality of life. According to a survey by the Pew Research […]


3 Alarms Everyone Needs In Their Home

January 19, 2023

Alarms play an important part in our everyday lives. Many of us use alarms to wake up at a certain time, or to remind us to take medication at a certain time. Our appliances also often have alarms fitted into them (many washing machines beep to tell us they have completed their spin cycle, while […]


Complete Solar Panel Installation Guide for Every Beginner

January 18, 2023

The newly developed technology, solar panels, is now being adopted in many homes and offices. Thus, it is understandable if you are prompted to switch to an eco-friendly source of electricity. Going eco-friendly should be the highlight of every concerned citizen. As much as solar panel installation is a good decision, there are certain things […]


Tips For Improving Your Self Confidence After You’ve Had A Baby

January 17, 2023

Having a baby creates a lot of changes for you, both mentally and physically. The act of actually being pregnant changes your body a lot and when this is coupled with actually having your child, it can feel like a big deal. You might find that you lose a bit of your sense of identity, […]


5 Signs That Your Child May Have Hearing Loss

January 12, 2023

You’re not alone if you’re concerned that your child may have hearing loss. According to the National Institutes of Health, about two to three out of every 1,000 children in the United States are born with a detectable hearing loss in one or both ears. While some causes of hearing loss are genetic or unavoidable, […]


Signs of Dyslexia in Children and the Benefits of Universal Screening

January 7, 2023

Many people mistakenly believe that dyslexia is a condition associated with troubled children and struggling students. The reality, however, is that around one in five people is affected by dyslexia, making it one of the most common learning disabilities. Due in part to its prevalence, dyslexia has been the subject of an enormous body of […]

Gardening SUSTAIN

How to Keep Gift Plants Alive

January 4, 2023

Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to truly enjoy all our blessings, including the lovely gifts we may have received. If you received a plant this holiday season, you may be worrying about how long you’ll be able to maintain it. It’s easier than you think to keep gift plants alive. Even if […]


Endocrine-disrupting chemicals can cause numerous health problems

January 4, 2023

There are many types of chemicals that can cause health problems. Even with tighter regulations, it is still relatively common for such chemicals to make their way into consumer products. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are one of the most dangerous classes of chemicals. They can cause quite a few different health issues. In fact, the dangers […]


5 Quick and Easy Christmas Recipes To Try

December 24, 2022

The holiday season is here again! This is the perfect time to invite friends and family for wonderful meals and treats. Sharing food with loved ones can be a wonderful time to bond and indulge your taste buds. While cookies and cakes are traditional Christmas treats, trying out new recipes makes the holiday season extra […]


Concerns To Manage As Your Home Business Starts Getting Bigger

December 24, 2022

When you’ve only just started your business, it might seem like the risk of not being able to hold it together and losing it all is so real that you barely have time to think about it, you just have to keep working, keep moving, and ensure that things are staying afloat. As time goes […]


Last Minute Gifts For Foodies

December 23, 2022

Everyone has at least one person on their list which is tricky to buy for. Many find that foodies are most difficult to shop for because it is hard to understand exactly what they would like. The good thing is that they are a lot simpler to shop for than you would expect! Foodies are […]


How To Support Your Parents to Maintain Their Independence In Old Age

December 23, 2022

The aging process affects us all. After a lifetime of support from your parents, helping them grow old gracefully is your opportunity to repay them.  Maintaining a sense of independence is one of the greatest gifts that you can give them. Here are five simple steps that can make all the difference. Ensure They Get […]